"Define good," MK says, but thoughtlessly flipped the staff between his fingers, settling it behind him in a comfortable stance. Xiaotian eyed him, giving a little smirk.

He had never found an interest in sparring, until now. He was curious how much MK knew. There was a sense of humble confidence that only came from years of experience- showing clear in how MK stood and held the staff.

Xiaotian grasped MK's shoulders, "We should fight," he concluded.

MK sputtered, "What?? No!" he laughed, losing the stance and quickly trying to shut the staff back into the dark of the closet. Xiaotian bodily stepped in the way, arms extended out.

"Aww come on~" Xiaotian's eyes gleamed with mischievous excitement, blocking MK's path to the safety of the closet. His arms swung wildly when MK tried to duck around him.

"I wouldn't want to hurt you," MK pouted.

There was a playful glint in Xiaotian's eyes that hinted at a competitive nature lurking beneath his carefree exterior, "Rude you think you could, but come onnnnn, just a friendly spar," Xiaotian cajoled. He bounced around MK, "Please? Please? Please??"

MK hesitated, torn between his natural inclination to avoid confrontation and the thrill of a potential challenge. He couldn't deny he felt the most comfortable when he could hold something like this. His fingers lingered on the staff, the smooth wood cool against his skin.

"What would you even fight with?" MK asked.

"I got a weapon," Xiaotian assured him.

"Oh?" Interested, MK relented, a tentative smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Up on the roof then, where we won't break anything." it was early enough they wouldn't have to worry about his Dad and Dadsy being awake.

"Yes!" Xiaotian pumped his fist, startled at his own enthusiasm. Had he ever been eager to train before? Quietly looking at his own hand, not realizing MK had opened the window to the fire escape, he scampered after him. He followed the human up to the roof, where they stood on opposite sides.

MK was doing a few stretches, "Nothing too rough," he says.

Xiaotian bristled, his tone quick to a defensive bite, "I'm not glass," He had enough of those remarks from his parents.

Taken aback, MK paused in his stretching, "Huh? I meant... me?" he pointed to himself. "My parents would freak out if I got bruises." he gave Xiaotian a side eye, "You at least could hide them better with your fur." It was blunt, but honest. MK held no malice when he said this, nor any ill will. He was going to give 100%, and he expected the same from his opponent.

"...Huh..." When Xiaotian gave MK a pleased and touched smile, the human was confused.

"What?" he asked,

Not that one should be happy their opponent intended to give it their all and leave bruises- but knowing they weren't looking at you like some fragile ghost was nice. "Nothing," Xiaotian says, pleased. A flicker of earnest joy flashed in his eyes. "Hope you are ready then," he lifted his hand, a smirk curling at his lips.

MK felt a prickle against the back of his neck as something black formed at Xiaotian's fingertips.

It grew, extending into a form- taking shape into a slick black blade. He grasped the shadowed handle, swinging it down to cut into the air. A second blade formed in his other hand, bending his knees into a defensive stance.

Dual wielding two shadowy blades, he gave a wink, "Ready when you are."

MK on the other hand slammed his staff down, shrieking, "WHAT ARE THOSE?!" he was running over with a squeal of delight, stumbling over his own feet.

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