Chapter 10

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"Nyx! Finally!"

"Nice to see you too, Little Bird."

She is smiling ear to ear and I am a little surprised to see her over excited reaction. I can't deny I am just as thrilled to see her too. I look around and we are once again on the streets of Paris.

"I have so much to tell you! But first tell me about your weekend!"

"It was shit. Tell me about yours." I'd much rather listen to her.

She pouts, her blue eyes glistening, her lower lip being pushed out. As I look down at her she nearly takes my breath away.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

She tilts her head to the side and looks up at me. With the sun shining down on her she is almost angelic. I don't usually talk about my life with people I meet in the Dreamworld. I rarely talk to them at all, let alone have meaningful conversations. But she's different. We have grown close over, what, the past almost month...damn. I really wish I knew why she is so different. She stops walking as she waits for my reply. I sigh and give in.

"Well, the dreams I experienced were terrible. One was so boring I could have passed out...IN A DREAM! Do you know how bad it has to be to want to fall asleep, while sleeping?"

She laughs and the sound makes the edge of my mouth pull up.

"Sounds awful, I don't know how you do it every night."

"Well, lately it's been a lot easier to stand."

I look down and catch the faintest blush streak across her cheek.

"What would you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you could dream. Where would you go? What would you do? Who would you see?"

I stare off into the distance. I don't think anyone has asked me that or at least not in a long time. I try to think about it. I gave up on the idea of my own dreams years and years ago. I mean I have wants and daydream of doing things, but I know better than to think it will ever happen. I look around us, the Arc du Triomphe in the near distance.

"I guess I would travel, I just don't know where I'd go. Why Paris?"

"It's beautiful. I don't know, I've just always had a love for this place. Even though I've never been here. I used to watch old movies with my mom and my favorite ones are in Paris. It's just so romantic and just fills you with joy. No one thinks of Paris and gets sad."

"Well if you experience all of its history that may not be your thought but I get what you mean." I tease her.

She glares at me but smiles and shoves her shoulder into my arm. I laugh because she doesn't even budge me.

"Someone's feisty today." I laugh. "So tell me about your weekend."

"So I moved into my new dorm Friday!"

"So you officially decided to move to college. I take it, you are enjoying it?"

"I was nervous at first but now that I'm here, it's exciting."

I could practically feel the excitement rolling off of her. I wish I had the kind of enthusiasm for my first week back. But after three years of the same people, classes, and balancing it all with work...all while struggling just to stay awake, I could care less. I'm just ready to move on. I suddenly feel the need for change and I can't wait for my final year of college to begin and end.

"What course are you most looking forward to?" I ask.

"Intro to painting!"

"You paint?"

She just nods. "I'd major in art but I know it would be a useless degree."

"What is your major?"

"Business...nothing specific. I believe it will be the best foundation for most job requirements. I'm really good with numbers. But my hobby and passion is art..."

She stares off into the distance and I look around. I notice a lot more people with esseals, painting the Paris landscape. Did I not notice them before or is our conversation having an effect on her dream?

"What do you paint?"

"Landscapes usually. I hope my classes will help me paint people better, I can never get them just right."

"I'm sure you are a wonderful painter."

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