bets, beatings and brunch

Start from the beginning

i reached over leah to roll down her window to relieve the barrier between us and katie

"stop hogging my centre back" she exclaimed

"am i not allowed to kiss my own girlfriend now" i joked

"no" she said, her voice filled with seriousness

"i better go" leah sighed, tightening her grip on my hand

"at least let me walk you to the coach" i insisted

she smiled and nodded her head as she opened the car door

"are you trying to kill me" katie yelled

"what?" leah said confused

"you literally just trapped me inbetween your car and kim's" she exclaimed, using her hands to support her argument

"you're so dramatic" i giggled

"if kim has a scratch on her car from that, don't get me involved. you'll be dead within seconds" katie laughed

i grabbed leahs boots and bag from the back and made my way to the other side of the car to join katie and leah

katie wrapped her arm around leah, my eyes shooting over to her

"stop hogging my girlfriend" i exclaimed, mocking her first words to me this morning

"if i remember rightly, i had her first" katie giggled, winking at me

"ladies. ladies. come on now, there's plenty of me to go around" leah chuckled

my eyes darted from katie over to leah to give her a protective look

i let katie hog my girlfriend until we made it to the coach

katie hopped onto the bus, leaving leah behind and i put her stuff along with the other girls' stuff

"i'll see you later, yeah? i love you" i said softly

"i love you more" she said, pressing her lips against my cheek

she got onto the bus and i shortly followed to greet the girls

"good luck my girls" i shouted

cheers and screams filled the bus at my presence

"odds on viv scoring today" i heard a voice shout from the back of the bus, immediately noticing the australian accent in their voice

"i'll bet you £100 kyra" i replied, causing a few girls to laugh

"£100? fuck me" she said

"watch your language little one, you're still a kid" i laughed

"hey! i'm older than you" she yelled

"you don't act like it. poor alessia looking after you 24/7" i chuckled

"it's a full time job" alessia yelled as laughter filled the bus

"i better go before kyra beats me up. go smash it out there girls" i yelled before leaving the bus

i got into my car and quickly drove over to laura's so we could go for lunch

i pulled up outside and beeped to let her know i was here

a few minutes later, laura emerged from her door

i greeted her as she got into the car and i drove us to the cafe, close by to the stadium

the conversation flowed and there wasn't an awkward moment. i mean, there was never an awkward moment with laura

"your recovery seems to be going smoothly so far. have you been given a rough time of when you could be back?" i asked

"they said a few more months at least. i haven't kicked a football in forever so i honestly have no clue. i'm happy with the point i'm at now though, you just have to keep thinking positive" she explained

"leah was singing your praises about your recovery the other day. we were talking about how optimistic you are and how you've taken it in your stride. i really admire that about you" i smiled

the conversation continued about our recoveries until we finished our food and swiftly made our way out of the cafe and into the car

i drove to the stadium with music blasting in the speaker as laura and i chatted away

knowing that i was going to be sitting with leahs family during the game gave me a sense of relief that they'd accepted me into their beautiful family

i couldn't have asked for anything better

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