bets, beatings and brunch

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both of us woke up a little later than expected so it was a very rushed morning

leah always takes so long to get ready so i sped up the process by grabbing her boots, packing her bag and placing them in the car

"le are you ready" i shouted from the bottom of the stairs

"give me one second, i'm just doing my hair" she yelled back

"i'll wait in the car" i said before closing the front door behind me

i sat myself in the drivers seat, waiting patiently for my girlfriend to finish getting ready

although i was spectating the girls, i was also meeting laura for lunch that we had arranged earlier this week along with sitting with leahs family during the game so i'd made a little more effort than i usually would

i had blue jeans on with a grey hoodie topped with a black gilet and white airforces. i obviously had one of leahs shirts on underneath

i didn't want to seem like i was trying too hard but i also didn't want to look underdressed

after listening to 'all too well tv 10 minute version' twice, leah finally appeared from the door and got into the car

"about time" i said

"sorry" she laughed

leah changed the playlist on the bluetooth as i turned the engine on

"i haven't even had the chance to say hello this morning" she said, slightly out of breath from rushing around the house

"hello" i said softly, turning my head to give her a smile

"hey" she whispered, locking eyes with me

i leaned in to place my lips against hers before reversing out of the drive

"you look beautiful" she said quietly, her eyes still fixated on me

"done it just for amanda" i giggled and leah nudged my arm slightly as the words left my mouth

we made it to the training ground with a few minutes to spare, allowing us to have a quick talk before we would have to seperate

"i'll be with your family and laura during the game. look for me, yeah?" i said

"of course i will darling" she replied

"i wont see you before the game so, good luck baby" i whispered, taking her hand in mine

"i love you al" she whispered

"i love you more beautiful" she whispered back

we shared a long loving look and before i knew it, our lips were locked together

i placed my hand on her cheek as our lips departed

our faces were inches away from eachother and in that moment, nothing else mattered

a few seconds later, a loud knock echoed in the car, coming from the window

and, of course, it was katie

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