1 September 1984

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Dear Rea,

I'm a Slytherin I guess. I really think there must have been a mistake ⁠— Slytherin is full of bad people. I'm not a bad person; am I? I don't want to be. I try not to be, anyway. Some of the kids in primary school might tell you otherwise, I guess. Whatever. I'm just happy Rowan's also a Slytherin. It's relieving having a friend in the same house as you. I've yet to really get to know any of the other Slytherins in my year, and I don't know if I'm ever going to. There's nine of us ⁠— me and Rowan, Merula Snyde, Ismelda Murk, Lydia Lavallee, and Elizabeth Tuttle in my dorm, then Barnaby Lee, Jonathon Grouse, and Michael Liza in the boys'. Rowan and I shared a boat with Jonathon and this Gryffindor Corey Hayden on the way across the lake. They both seemed cool enough, very quiet, but I think I'll let them come to me if they're looking for friends. I don't want to be annoying; you know?

People are already giving me trouble about being related to you. But I don't care; I love to call myself your sister. They're probably just jealous that their siblings aren't as cool.

Classes start Monday, and I'm a bit nervous. I hope I'll be good at everything. Especially potions; Professor Snape is my Head of House and he's a bit intimidating; I'd hate to be on his bad side. How'd you get along with him, I wonder?

 See you soon,

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