The twins won't enjoy it too much, especially Delia because she'll be stuck in her car seat, but Theo should have a good time.

There was a line to drive through the neighborhood and it was busy but it wasn't too awful. Most people probably visited a few days ago so Christmas Eve could be spent at home or with family, so it worked out for us to have something to do.

Lennon wasn't lying when she said this neighborhood goes above and beyond. All of the houses were covered top to bottom with lights. Many of them flashed and did little light shows as you drove through, and music was playing from speakers. One house even had fake snowflakes falling down from their roof, which Theo really liked.

I can only imagine how much time it took for these people to decorate their house for this, because putting up lights was slightly time consuming, especially in the way they did it.

But it was so fun to drive through and listen to Theo oo and ah from the backseat as he sat there fascinated by all of the different houses. Whenever there was one he especially liked, he would squeal and practically try to climb out of his seat so he could see it better.

Atticus was seeming to enjoy it too, he stared out the window the entire time. Delia, fell back asleep, which was fine.

"Look at that one!" Theo pointed.


"Why didn't we make our house like these ones?" Theo asked.

"Uhm because mommy is tired" Lennon chuckled.

"So take a nap!" Theo suggested.

"Then who will watch you guys?" Lennon questioned, messing with him.


Yes. First choice.

"But what if Harry is busy?"

"Then he should stop being busy and come over so you nap" Theo suggested, like that was the dumbest question she could've asked him.

"You're right" Lennon agreed.

I looked at her. "You know you can right? If you're tired I'll watch them"

"I know you would" She said softly, and smiled at me.

It took us an hour to drive around the entirety of this large neighborhood, and then another 30 minutes on the way home because of traffic. By the time we walked in the front door, it was around 9pm which was after the kid's bedtimes.

Lennon took Theo to go change into Christmas pajamas, brush his teeth, and get ready for bed and such. I carried the twins into their nursery, changed their diapers, and dressed them in some holiday themed pajamas I saw on their dresser.

We met back up in the kitchen, Theo waiting excitedly by the counter with a box of cookies, and Lennon taking out a plate and cup from the cupboards. The babies and I watched Theo set a couple of cookies on the plate, and almost overflow the cup of milk that is meant for Santa Claus.

Quickly, we took the kids outside to sprinkle some "reindeer food" into the grass so Santa Claus knows where to land. I smiled as I watched Theo run around the yard, pouring his oats into the grass happily.

The night is only close to ending, and I already know this weekend will be one I'll always remember.

When he was finished, we headed back inside. Theo stopping by the Christmas tree to say goodbye to Mr. Elf, their elf on the shelf, that Lennon told me she regretted ever starting. But it made Theo happy so she'll continue to put up with it.

"Story time!" Theo clapped his hands and grabbed a Christmas book that was on the coffee table. "Can we read to daddy?"

I stopped in my tracks, forgetting that he wasn't talking about me.

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