Chapter 7

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Y/N Pov:

Y/N: The next day I got up and got dressed there was no class today since it's the Weekend so it was a free day to do whatever I wanted to do and since it was still relatively early in the morning I decided to go a walk and think about the recent events of what's happened in my life at Nevermore so far as I was walking through the town of Jericho I thought about how my life had completely changed since I met Wednesday as before I met Wednesday I was a whimp who couldn't stand up for himself against his own father who made his life a living hell and he would see the weakness I had in me and would take advantage of it and now I am a free man away from that man and I have met someone who cares about Me very much and I care about her just the same and because of her I gained this new sense of confidence to stand up for myself against my father and I will be forever grateful for that.

Y/N: As I continued walking I couldn't help but smile at the fact that Wednesday has turned me into someone better and I will make sure that my father doesn't lay a hand on her or that Rathalos becomes if either do then I will make sure that they regret it dearly and I will definitely make sure that I put an end to my father when the time comes even though I know that he will be out to take me out forever it's a battle that can go either way and I'll be sure that when the time comes I will fight until my last breath I refuse to let the man that ruined my life win and as for the Rathalos I'll make sure to put an end to that. This dangerous creature needs to be taking down.

Y/N: I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realise that the sun was now fully shining and it was now actually morning so I decided that I should probably head back to Nevermore now because Wednesday will get worried if I'm not their so I began my walk back and as I was walking past the woods I suddenly heard bushes rustling which made me turn around at noise and of course I looked around but I didn't see anything so I kept walking but obviously I was on edge still and I found myself looking behind me a lot more and I know that it isn't the Rathalos as if it was it would be flying above me and trying to attack me so if it is anyone then it is most likely  human or obviously another animal and it's not because I'm scared of whatever that noise was I'm just a bit more cautious now that's all but I tried to put my mind off it as I didn't hear anymore noises so I just kept walking and continued to make my way back to Nevermore.

Y/N: However suddenly I heard footsteps running up behind me and before I could react I was attacked from behind by someone and when I turned it was no other than my father who glared down at me and said "I'm not waiting to take you out you brat I'm taking you out right now" and he proceeded to beat me up punching my face and kicking my ribs and and I managed to get to my knees but he just immediately kicked me back down and continued the beat down it was a vicious beat down something I haven't felt for a long time he continued to attack me and as I struggled to get back to my feet he picked up a stick and hit me over the face with it and I immediately fell to the ground and my face was now bleeding as their was a cut on my forehead and it just got worse as he began to exploit it and eventually he mounted on top of me and grabbed my hair and said "I have been waiting to do this for a long time and you have no idea how much I'm enjoying this" and he began punching me right on my cut again over and over again he then got off Me and then began dragging me where he then picked up a rock and then smashed it over my back and I instantly grabbed my back in pain my father then dragged me back to where we originally were and crouched down to my level and said "I'm not going to kill your today even though I could I want to embarrass you in front of everyone including that girlfriend of yours so consider yourself lucky" and he then walked away and left me lying.

Wednesday Pov:

Wednesday: I woke up and went to Y/Ns dorm room and when I knocked on the door and got no answer I grew worried so I went in and seen that Y/N wasn't there and I was even more worried but I figured that maybe Y/N went out somewhere so I decided to go and look for him so I left the Nevermore campus and went to look for him I went into Jericho and searched everywhere and every shop and even checked the Weathervain but he wasn't there so I had a long think about where he could be I even asked people of they had seen him even thought I hated it but I put that aside as Y/N was my main priority and I needed to make sure he was okay so I gave people a description and they said they hadn't seen him until I was approached by a Grave digger who works at the cemetery in Jericho and obviously as you would expect he was creepy for normal people but for me I liked him and he said that he had overheard me asking people if they had seen Y/N and revealed that Y/N had past by the cemetery and went past the woods and I immediately thought that he must of been on his way back to Nevermore so I left and went to the way the guy said and I looked for him and shouted for him and I eventually heard Y/Ns voice as he began calling for Me and I followed the voice where I found Y/N on the ground clearly hurt.

Wednesday: I quickly rushed over to Y/N and knelt beside him "Y/N what happened to you" I said to him and he said "my father attacked me I let my guard down Wednesday and he capitulated on it" and I felt bad for him and also angry because someone has hurt my Y/N and I don't take kindly to people harming what's mine I then noticed Y/Ns forehead had been busted open so I knew he needed help so I instantly helped Y/N up and began helping him all the way back to Nevermore and when we arrived back at the gate I instantly seen Ajax and he immediately came over and he helped me bring Y/N to the medical room in the school we then laid Y/N on the table and I told Ajax "you can go now I'll take care of this" and he left instantly I then began looking for bandages to put on his head and I eventually found some I then also got stuff to clean Y/Ns cut and then made my way over to Y/N I told him " don't worry Y/N your going to be okay" he then said "I know and I'm not worried since your here helping and your the best nurse anyone could ask for" I then gave Y/N a smile before I got serious and began cleaning Y/Ns cut and the put a bandage over Y/Ns cut and throughout the whole thing Y/N didn't even react to when I touched the cut I then made sure the bandage was on securely and it was and Y/N then sat up and said "thank you Wednesday" and I just smiled at him again.

Y/N Pov:

Y/N: After getting my cut bandaged by Wednesday we then headed over to Wednesdays dorm together when we entered we just laid on her bed with Wednesday resting her head against my chest and we then talked a bit more on what happened with my father today and it just made me more angry as I said to Wednesday "this beating my father has given me today has just fuelled me even more and I am even more motivated than ever to take him down" Wednesday looked up at me and said "oh I know baby you will have your revenge and that horrible man will be out of your life forever and I'll be there to help you if you need it" I then looked up at Wednesday and smiled before saying "I appreciate it Wednesday but I need to do this myself when the time comes I want to face my father alone" Wednesday then looked at me slightly concerned before saying "are you sure you want to do that Y/N what if he has something planned" I then looked at Wednesday and said "yes I must do this alone Wednesday it's the only way I will feel satisfied when I defeat him as his goal is to embarrass me in front of you and the whole school and he can't do that if no one is here" Wednesday then said "can I at least be there Y/N and at least watch your back I promise I won't get involved in the fight I just want to see you beat that man and take him down while also watching your back just in case he does have tricks up his sleeve" I then thought about it for a few minutes before saying "ok Wednesday just stay out of the fight no matter what understand" Wednesday then smiled at me clearly happy with what I said before she said "I promise I won't get involved Y/N I'll just be there to watch you take down that man and watch your back"

Y/N: I then smiled at her and then just held her tightly in my arms and then I kissed her forehead before saying "I love you Wednesday I'm really glad to have met you your the best thing that's ever happened to me your the reason I'm the man I am today the one full of confidence and I'm no longer a whimp" Wednesdays eyes softened and she looked up at me again and smiled at me before saying "I love you too Y/N your also the best thing that's happened to me you have turned me into someone I didn't think was in me and I'm grateful for it" and after that we just stayed in each others arms and showed love to each other.

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