How it all began

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Griffin is the new kid at Sulpher springs high school he moved with his family three days ago from chicago to Sulpher Springs into the Tremont Hotel.
Before going to class he wanted to open his locker but it was stuck(his locker is at the botom)
G: oh come on!
Then in a blink of an eye a foot comes kicking the locker open.
Griffin looks at that person's shoes they look like the design is made by hand then slowly he looks up to see a dark haired girl looking down at him smiling.
The girl:Though you needed some help
She said while still grinning then she left as the bell rang.
As Griffin enters his first class of the day he is nervous.He sits on the last desk not wanting to bring any attentionto himself,but the teacher is not helping with it at all.
T:Guys let me introduce you to our new student.Griffin would you come here and tell us more about yourself?
Griffin stands up nervous about all the eyes staring at him.
G:umm,Hi my name is Griffen and I just moved here new from Chicago because my dad bought an old hotel called the Tremont.
The room was filed with murmurs and kids looking at each other in a way Griffin could not understand.
Then a boy looking very similar to Haroer spoke up.
The boy:The Tremont is haunted yesterday I went there and looked through the window and a girl looked through my eyes and screamed!
The boy was with his friends
Girl:Come on Topher if you are a man you would have the courage to look through the window
Boy:Com'on don't be a scardy cat
So,Topher looked through the window and saw a girl looking out screaming so he screamed too then ran away woth his friends.
Meanwhile inside the house
Wyatt and Griffin came out of the table laughing they had succesfully scare their lottle sister zoe even though Wyatt and zoe are twins.
W:Ha,got you
G:Can't beleive I got that on camera on my laptop
Z:You guys are not funny I did really see a boy loking in the window!
W:Yeah right
Z:I really did!
G:Yeah okay
Z:You guys don't beleive me do you?
G:What no that was my s-
He was cut off by the bell.
All the kids scuttered along to leave since it was lunch break.
So did Griffin.
Griffin was holding his food tray but he couldn't focuse since everyone was straing at him.God how much he hated to be the new kid!
He sees the hirl that kicked open his locker sitting at a talble alone minding jer buissnes while drawing a scketch on a copybook.
He came closer to the table but not wanting to sit since he was very shy.As the girl looked up Griffin looked away not wanting jer to know he was staring at her.
The girl:If you want you can sit
The girl:I mean it's not hard their is space she said as she chuckeled.
G:Oh righ thanks
He sat down akwardly
G:So when were you gonna tell everyone about your secret?
The girl:Excuse me? What secret?
G:Um, that you are a locker ninja ofc
The girl:Ohhh
She laughed
The girl:The janitor taught me that trick. By the way I am Harper
G:Nice to meet you Harper I am Griffin
H:Nice to meet you
Harper looked at around
H:Why is everyone looking at you?
Whispered Harper.
G:Well everyone freaked out thatI am living at the Tremont
Silence filled the cafetiria you could even hear a fork dropping onto a plate.
G:A little lower please
H:Ops sorry
She chuckled
G:A boy said that he saw a girl screming from the window but that is just my sister Zoe I was pulling a prank on her.
H:That boy is my brother Topher.But he does not just mean about Yesterday night only.
G:What do you mean?
H:The Tremont is haunted by a girl named Savanah.
Harper opens her phone and turns it around to show Griffin a picture of Savanah
G:That's her?
H:Yes, she was a young camper there.She was the same age of our parents.One night the group was camping outside in the stars and they all fell asleep the nect morning when they woke up they couldn't find her they searched everywhere for her but still couldn't find her.
There was a moment silence between the two of them,then Griffin broke the silence.
G:That's nonsense,it is just a rumor from 1990
H:Suit yourself
After school Griffin rode his bike to go back home, unfortunitely he did not see a wooden log sticking out of the ground(he is in the woods the rode between the school his house and Harper's house) he waa riding fast so he did not see that log so drove over it and fell on the ground.
After a few minutes he started to open his eyes but he could not open them fully so he was seeing blury as he was staring over the sky still seeing blurry he sees a figuer looking down on him(he is laying on the groumd.)
He said weakly.
A/N:ok so I will try and post the pics of the characters in the nect chapter and all the info you need to know abt the show I am reacreating the episodes with my own twists to them so if the people who haven't watch it to know what it is about and,I reccomend you to go watch Secrets Of Sulpher Springs on Disney Channel.Tell me if I should continue or not.

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