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Reporter 4 : Umm.... I..... Am sorry.....

Prathiksha : I know being a journalist it's your responsibility to ask questions , give information to people outside but you shouldn't forget the fact that normal people tende to believe your words than anyone else the news you publish is the ultimate source for them, anyone can create controversy by twisting words and asking unwanted questions but to act as a responsible journalist and give transparent information can only done by rare people. I don't believe that you are one of them for you it's just a mear news but some people it's there entire life that is at stake, you guys don't know how a single word written by you can affect someones life and career badly . While running behind content and trp please don't forget that the person whom you call a famous person also have a life they also have emotions trolls and negativity can affect them badly breaking them down mentally. Please do your duty but not by ruining someone's life and career, people believe you blindly because they think that you only speak the truth and write the truth just don't prove their beliefs wrong. I'm previlaged to be a part of ict and I know that they can never think anything bad about me no matter what!!! . Is this explanation enough or do you people want more??

Reporter 1 : No and if his question has hurted you all then we say sorry on his behalf, he didn't asked it deliberately

We know the difference between deliberately and accidentally ict muttered under there breath....

Prathiksha : It's okay you don't need to say sorry, but please remember that words are the most powerful weapon that can change anyone's life completely sometimes it can ruin most beautiful relationships and can broke your dreams that you have been seeing from a long time and we won't know how our words are affecting the opposite person it can make them happy at the same time it can hurt them also, So please be careful about using your words while speaking and writing especially when you are a journalist who represent the society and it's citizens

The question answer session was over and the ict was looking at Prathiksha with so much pride they couldn't ask for a better person than her in their life and England team was regretting over the fact that they lost such a great gem, all the teams started moving towards the conference hall were the awards ceremony was supposed to be held Prathiksha also started to move at that time ict including mahi came to her and took her in a tight hug she hugged them back

Mahi : Thank you so much for defending us and saving our reputation, we will never forget this

Rohit : You literally saved our career from getting ruined and saved my reputation as a captain thank you

Rahul : Today you proved that not everyone is the same

Hardik : You literally stood like a rock by our side and saved all of us from a huge set back and humiliation

She broke the hug and said

Prathiksha : Bas no more thank you, I already told you all that you guys are my family so no thank you and about defending you all, I was not defending you all but saying what's true it was necessary to prove that you guys are not wrong and people should also know that they cannot make assumptions about anyone before knowing the truth at the first place

Ashwin : But what you did was a great thing for us, especially when our previous manager proved to be our biggest mistake, you gained our trust with your truthfulness and genuinety Bcci was correct in selecting you .....

Jaddu : And now we understand why England regret over the decision of throwing you out

Prathiksha : Enough guys stop praising me so much, I have not done a big thing anyone who is in my place would have done the same and about England team I still have the chance to go back shall I go??

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