methamphetamine (idk how to name stuff)

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    While you two are cuddling on the couch starting to fall asleep to the sound of the TV you start hearing voices. You play it off at first as just your half asleep mind playing tricks on you but the knocking on the door startled both of you letting you know it's real. The Fleshcousin tries to hide in your arms but the knocking comes again. You get up from the couch and put a blanket over them to try making them feel safer while you go to answer the door.

     You open the door to your neighbor, well that neighbor... He's the one that constantly complains to the apartment owners over every little thing, if he found your little secret guest you'd be on the streets in 10 minutes.

     "Turn that damn TV down! It's only 12, some people are trying to spend time with their families without being interpreted by the sounds of your..." He looks past you to see what's on the TV, "childish cartoons. Not like you would know what spending time with your family is like." He crosses his arms with a smug look waiting for you to respond.

     You don't feel like dealing with his bullshit today so you just turn down the TV by one decibel and shut the door in his face. He didn't like this response and immediately began pounding at the door which was scaring the Fleshcousin and pissing you off. You take the Fleshcousin into your bedroom and tuck them into the bed with a bunch of blankets and pillows around them. "I'll be right back, I just can't risk you getting caught..." You give it a reassuring kiss on the forehead before going back out to deal with the annoying neighbor.

     "Seriously, it's at 9, it's not that loud. Stop pounding on my door like a serial killer before I call the apartment security on you!" There's an obvious annoyance on your face while you speak to him. He screams in your face as response, "Who do you think you are‽ You can't talk to me like that stupid bitch! I'll get you evicted for this you dumb slut!" His tantrum has attracted the attention of the other neighbors nearby who now watch as he blows up in your face. The yelling is definitely a bit scary but you manage to keep a straight face through it as he bombards you with insults until someone had called security on him to sort things out.

     By the time the security arrives they see him still screaming at you in front of your apartment calling you awful things just for closing the door on him. Once he sees the security though he immediately stops and starts fake crying trying to play the victim.

     "Sir, all I did was politely ask them to turn their loud loud television down! They slammed the door in my face rudely and yelled at me for bothering them!" The rest of the neighbors and the security took that with a grain of salt, the walls were pretty thin and anyone who lived close by could here the conversation that happened, not to forget his reputation for doing similar things before and getting proven wrong every time. The security takes both of you separately to ask questions, this was annoying and time consuming but they took your side knowing his reputation and from other neighbors words. Apparently he'd done this so often that this was his last warning before getting himself evicted.

     After what felt like forever you finally got to go back to your apartment to check on the creature living in your home. It had gotten out of bed and made it's way into the kitchen where you could see it playing with the dishes, luckily none of them had broken yet-

     Nevermind. The Fleshcousin dropped a plate and it shattered everywhere, it panicked and tried to pick it up only to cut itself on the broken glass.

     "Oh no, no, no. Stay there, don't touch baby!" It looked up at you as you called it by the pet name you had given it and stayed still like you had told it to. You grabbed some shoes and the broom to sweep up the mess without cutting yourself. After quickly getting it out of the way you take it's cut hand to see the injury.

     "That's not good. But don't worry, I'll help you clean this up, ok?" You carefully check for any shards that might be in its hand then clean off the blood with some water and disinfectant before bandaging it up.

    "Baby... Baby..." It kept repeating the nickname while you did so. It still looked scared but now that you were there to help it looked much happier.

     "Are you ok baby?" You held it's ingered hand in yours while looking at it. You were getting the feeling again, you didn't want to go back on what you told yourself but with the time you've spent together already it's proven itself to be fairly human... Human enough, right?

     You try to resist yourself but the feeling is overwhelming as you two look at each other. It nods its head in response to your questioning if it was alright. You intertwine your fingers and put your other hand on its lower back to pull it closer it seems happy in your arms. You lean into it and meet its lips like before, it reciprocates the affection leading to a warm and gentle kiss. Its lips are soft and welcoming, it still seems new to kissing but nevertheless feels amazing. You didn't intend to take things so far when you originally took it into your home and started feeling something but now you had it pressed against the counter wrapped in your arms and your lips not wanting to leave each others.

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