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Just a normal night, that's what she thought, this would be a normal night at a bar.

Bunny hadn't even really paid attention to the name of the bar, it didn't matter anyway, it's not like she was staying, she was passing through, she had a place to be and it wasn't here, but a few drinks never hurt.

She watched him as he walked into the bar, he was by himself, a god was he attractive, the kind of attractive where he just looks at you and you get weak in the knees.

Bunny leaned against the bar her beer between her lips as she looked at the male, she watched as he ordered a beer, she noticed the man's kutte, but she didn't pay too much attention to it.

He looked over at her, a smirk seeming to form on his face when he noticed her staring at him, she watched as he stood up and moved to the seat beside her.

"You here with anyone?" The man asked before bringing his beer to his lips, she noticed the wedding ring on his finger, but she ignored it.

"No." Bunny shook her head while she sat her beer on the bartop and pushed her blonde hair behind her ear. "It's just me, I'm just passing through." She smiled.

"Ain't that a coincidence, so am I." He smiled.
He was just passing through, she was just passing through, and the chances of them ever seeing each other after this were slim to none.

"I'm Bunny." She smiled while outstretching her hand, the man smiled crossing his free hand over his body. "I'm Jax." He grinned.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jax." She looked at him, her big brown eyes locked onto his blue eyes, it was like she could get lost in his eyes, and she was sure if given the opportunity she would.

"You are a sight for sore eyes." Jax praised while his eyes racked up and down Bunny's body. "Thank you." The femme chuckled. "You're not bad on the eyes either." She grinned.

"Yeah?" Jax spoke, a smile on his face as he finished his beer. "You want to get out of here? There's a nice motel across the street."

It was fast, Bunny was aware of that, normally she waited until a man had at least bought her a drink before she agreed to go anywhere with them, but something about Jax was different, something about him made her oh-so willing.

"Yeah, yeah sure I'd love to." Bunny smiled while she hopped off of the barstool. Jax followed her after throwing a twenty onto the bar, Jax's arm snaked around Bunny's waist pulling her into him.

Jax's presence was intoxicating, she didn't know if it was the few beers she had or just that Jax had that effect on her, either way, she felt on cloud nine.

Bunny stayed quiet smiling at Jax as he got a motel room, his hand resting on her hip, his thumb rubbing up and down.

It seemed that the moment they got into the motel room Jax's lips were on hers, Bunny made no attempts to stop him, she just allowed herself to melt into him

One of Jax's hands cupped Bunny's face while the other moved down under her thigh, with a quiet grunt Jax picked her up and carried her to the bed.

Jax sat the girl on the bed before he took off her kutte and sat it on the dresser. Bunny watched him intently, she watched as he took off his wedding ring and sat it on his kutte before walking back over to her.

Bunny grinned looking up at Jax, she sat up on the bed and began to unbutton her blouse while the male leaned down, cupping Bunny's face and capturing her lips in another passionate and messy kiss.

The bed felt empty when Bunny woke up, her brown eyes fluttering open, the sunlight peeking through the blinds was bright, and it took her a moment to readjust.

She looked around the room for Jax, she wasn't shocked to see that he was gone but she was disappointed, she glanced over towards the dresser, seeing Jax's kutte and ring were gone, that was all the confirmation she needed.

Bunny rubbed the heels of her hand against her eyes letting out a yawn as she slipped out of bed the covers falling from her nude body, she went around the room and gathered her clothes before slipping them back on.

Bunny flipped her phone open as she walked across the street back to the bar, praying to god her car was still there, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was.

The blonde got into her car, and putting her keys into the ignition, She double-checked that she had the right address that her father had sent her in the GPS...

the Teller-Marrow auto shop, and with that she backed out of the parking lot and began the rest of her drive, Bunny would probably stop at a drive-through and get breakfast before getting to Charming, after all, she didn't know what that town had.

(CANCELED/PLAN TO RESTART)Everything I Wanted[Jax Teller x OC]Where stories live. Discover now