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12 June 2022

With Elena we decided to start a new life in another city. We moved to Barcelona when my son was 6 months old and we live together here. My son turns 3 years old next month and I can't believe how big he is turning. He is truly the love of my life. He brings us so much joy and happiness every day and I thank god for him

Today when I got off work I went to pick him up from daycare and when I arrived there I saw a woman approaching me

X: hi are you Elijah's mother?, she asked me

Me: Hi yes, I said

X: My name is Ana and I'm Pedri's mother, he is a very close friend to your son, she said

Me: ah yes Elijah have been talking about him nonstop, I said smiling

Ana: I was thinking maybe someday we could meet up so the boys can have a play date, she said smiling back

Me: Yeah sure why not, Elijah will be so happy to have a play date, I said

Ana: How about you give me your number and we plan a day for the boys to play, she said

Me: of course, I said and gave her my number then we said our goodbyes and left.

Elijah started talking about his day and how fun he had in daycare. When we got home I cooked dinner for us and Elena so she could have something to eat when she comes home from work because she is still at work

Elijah: Mummy I had very fun today, he said excited about telling me about his day

Me: How fun what did you do today?, I asked him

Elijah: I played with Pedri and Felipe and we played hide and seek and then we played with toys, he said happy.

Me: it sound fun, Elijah today pedris mother asked me if you wanted to have a play date with Pedri on Saturday do you want that?, I asked him

Elijah: yes mummy, he said happy and started jumping

Me: take it easy now so you don't get hurt mi amor, I said

After we ate I showered Elijah but sir also wanted to stay in the bathtub so I couldn't say no to his pout. After he was down he sat down with his iPad for 1 hour after I putted him to bed and he immediately fell asleep.

The day after I took my son to daycare and left for work and meet with Elena there, today we are working together so it will be fun

Elena: I met a handsome guy here yesterday, she said

Me: owwwh what's his name? I asked her

Elena: Pablo but he said to call him Gavi, she said, he also had a friend with him, she said lifting her eyebrows and teasing me, and he asked me out on a date so I thought maybe we can go on a double date with him and his friend, she said seriously

Me: No Elena forget it, after David I promised myself not to fall in love with someone or date anyone and you know it, so please don't bring that idea up again, I said walking away feeling like I'm about to cry

Elena: Dahlia wait, she said while she caught up with me, please I didn't mean to hurt you but you have to go on and live your life, it's not healthy for you to be alone, tomorrow I will find a man and move and you will be all by yourself, and don't give me "I have my son with me so I won't be alone" talk, your son also needs a father figure in his life, come on just on date nothing more, she said

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