Prologue2: Discovery

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It was a cold morning at the arctic. No other place in the world could ever beat THIS cold. The sun was just rising over the horizon but the dark cold clouds covering the area concealed the rays of the early morning sun.

On the icy surface of the area, an armored heavy duty vehicle carrying two passengers traversed the icy landscape; its headlights being barely visible through the thick fog.

"Over here!" A man wearing thick red colored thick jacket yelled to the vehicle; waving his hand while holding a red beacon.

The vehicle came to a halt as the passengers inside step outside, dressed in a similar fashion to the man in red.

"Are you the ones from Washington?!" The man asked the two a bit loudly as the sound of the strongly brewing winds made it hard to hear.

"You guys get many other visitors out here?!" One of the passengers replied sarcastically.

"How long have you been on sight?!" The other passenger asked the man in red as they begin to walk away from the vehicle.

"The Russian oil team called it in about 18 hours ago!" the man replied.

"How come no one's ever spotted it before?!" the first passenger inquired.

"It's not that surprising. The landscape's changing all the time!" the man in red replied as the trio begin to get closer to a structure.

"Any idea what this thing is?!" the second passenger asked his partner.

"Probably just a weather balloon!" His partner replied.

"I don't think so!" The man in red said to the two. "You know, we don't have the equipment for a job like this."

"So, how long before we can start craning it out?!" the second passenger asked the man in red.

"I don't think you understand! Unless you brought the Symbol of Peace or Stars And Stripes along, you guys are gonna need one hell of a crane!" The man replied as the trio stop closer to the structure.

The two newcomers to the sight were absolutely shocked to see the large wing like structure in front of them before looking a little further to see red lights near the wing stretching out to form an outline of some sort of aircraft

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The two newcomers to the sight were absolutely shocked to see the large wing like structure in front of them before looking a little further to see red lights near the wing stretching out to form an outline of some sort of aircraft.

The two newcomers to the sight were absolutely shocked to see the large wing like structure in front of them before looking a little further to see red lights near the wing stretching out to form an outline of some sort of aircraft

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"What the hell is this thing...?" the first passenger asked in shock.


The two passengers were now dressed in really warm gear, complete with helmets and oxygen cylinders. As the second passenger removed his glove.

"Alright let's crack this thing open!" the second passenger muttered as a red energy blade forms over his hand.

Digging the blade into the ice below him, the passenger carves out a circle large enough for two people to fit right through.

The passenger deactivates his blade, hissing a little as his hand gives off some smoke.

"You okay there, Fowler?" the first passenger asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Bryce." Fowler replied as he put his glove back on.

"That's a neat quirk ya got there!" Bryce commented. "You could've made a fine pro with it!"

"Maybe but I can only utilize it for like two minutes, that's it. So, it's not that great. Plus, I like being  a SHIELD agent. I don't think I'd want to deal with the media if I ever went pro." Fowler replied as he clipped his belt to a hook of a rope attached to a armored pick up truck with Bryce doing the same.

"I see. It's still cool though! Unlike me, you're lucky to have been blessed with a quirk. I can't go pro even if I wanted to. Thankfully, SHIELD gave me a chance." Bryce replied as he went through the circular hole, Fowler going in right after him.

"Man this place is dark!" Bryce exclaimed as he lands on the frozen steel floor of the craft, looking at his pitch dark surroundings; the only source of light coming through the hole that he came through.

"That's why we have these." Fowler replied as he landed next to Bryce and turned on the flash light mounted on his shoulder. "Base, we're in."

Bryce does the same as the start walking around in the old aircraft. 

"Fowler, how old do you think this is?" Bryce asked as he shined his light on some frozen pillars and the ceiling.

"Don't know." Fowler replied as he shined his light on a few old missiles. "Missiles? I think this is some old weapons carrier."

"From the big 'Human- Mutant War' maybe?" Bryce asked as Fowler got closer to the weapons to take a closer look. "Hey, be careful. Those could still be active. Don't want to blow this whole joint, now do we?"

"I know. And I think you're right. Given the model of these missiles, they're definitely from the 21st Century." Fowler replied as he shone his light down to a platform beneath the missile. "The platform below these weapons look like they can open up. I think this some kind of Stealth Bomber. Specifically from the World War 2 era. As to why there are 21st Century missiles on board, who knows?"

The pair continue to walk as they climb down a small flight of stairs, shining their light down on to a large window in front of them.

"This looks like the control panel." Bryce said as he shone his light on the smashed and frozen control panel, almost slipping in the process.

"Be carful!" Fowler exclaimed as he joined his partner.

"Yeah." Bryce replied as he directed his shoulder mounter flash light towards the left of the control panel. Oddly enough, there was a large chunk of ice on the left. Almost as big as a human. "That's strange..."

"What is ?" Fowler asked.

"That." Bryce replied as he pointed to the chunk of ice making Fowler face to the left as well.

"Hey, I think I see something in there." Fowler stated as he walked closer to the chunk of ice and so did Bryce.

The two arrive in front of the chunk and immediately Fowler dusts of the frost off it with Bryce helping him. Once they were done, the pair's eyes widen in shock at what they see.

"My god...!!" Fowler's breathed hitched in his throat. "Bryce, you seeing what I'm seeing...?!"

"Yeah...! Man, I'll be damned...!!" Bryce replied, equally shocked at the sight as he grasped his communicator on his suit. "Base, get the director on the line ASAP."

"But sir, it's 3 AM where he is." The person on the other side of the communicator replied.

"I don't care what time it is. This one's waited long enough." Bryce replied as he marveled at the sight before him and so did his partner.

" Bryce replied as he marveled at the sight before him and so did his partner

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