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"no anisa, i just don't want to wake up to see about fifty articles about me being a lesbian and in a relationship with my best friend!" cj scoffed.

"you're so dramatic." anisa scoffed.

"sure!" cj said before being approached by phil who'd come to tell her there was people waiting to interview her.

"hope you don't get asked if you're a lesbian!" anisa yelled at the girl whilst she walked away causing trent to smack her over the head and shush her.

cj had always heard the feeling of winning player of the match at your first ever game was a feeling like no other and today she finally understood why that was said. the adrenaline that the girl was feeling, the excitement she was feeling was something she hadn't felt in a long time, no matter what the club playing football was her dream, winning trophies was her dream, and maybe the new cj was able to do that. apart of the girl believed that the reason she got kicked out of liverpool was because she wasn't good enough and because of that she decided from now on she would play like every game was a final, like every game was her last. to prove to people they made the wrong decision, that cj was a player.

cj quickly finished up her interview's with the multiple interviewers who had been screaming her name the moment she came close to them. cj wanted to quickly get the interview's done so she could get changed and go back to celebrating with her friends. thankfully the interviewer's didn't take long and she could quickly run to the changing rooms and get out of her kit into more comfortable clothing. sadly, as soon as cj stepped out the changing rooms she accidentally walked into someone she definitely didn't want to see, rico.

"watch where you're walking daddy's money." rico scoffed.

"the fuck did you just say to me?" cj replied hastily.

"oh i'm sure you heard me. player of the match already? who'd you have to pay off for that one." rico laughed.

"actually unlike some people, i earned it." cj mocked.

"oh really? wouldn't have thought so, you know since you're at city now and according to you all we do is buy our trophies? been here for a week and already payed someone for yours." rico sneered.

"oh you're such a bastard! what the fuck is your problem with me! i haven't done anything to you! i wanted to be your friend, i was so fucking nice to you and you threw it in my face. what did i do to you." cj spoke trying not to let rico make her emotional.

"i'll tell you what you did caroline, you did fucking nothing to get here. you didn't work for this shit! i worked to get here, i worked fucking hard to get here;to get called up to the first team, to get to the england first team and all you do is show your fucking face and you get it given to you. you're fucking spoiled caroline grealish." rico ridiculed.

"you're fucking joking me, i'm spoiled? is that a fucking joke!" cj spat.

"no caroline it's not. you're a fucking spoilt  mummy and daddy's girl and get everything handed to you! you don't work for shit." rico replied.

"you don't know anything about me rico! how the fuck would you know that, we've never had one normal conversation! if i asked you, you wouldn't be able to tell me my favourite fucking colour and everyone knows that! you don't know shit about me!" cj taunted.

"sure i fucking don't, going to go cry to mummy and daddy that rico called you out!" rico said laughing.

"for fucks sake, how many times do i have to tell you to stop talking about my dad to get it into your thick skull!" cj spat glaring at the boy.

𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗘 𝗠𝗘, rico lewisOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz