Once inside the elevator, the atmosphere grew tense, the silence suffocating in the enclosed space. Sunghoon cleared his throat awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot as he punched in the access code.

"So, Heeseung" Sunghoon began again, his voice hesitant, "do you always maintain this level of professionalism with your clients?"

"My priority is your safety," he replied stiffly, his gaze fixed on the floor.

The elevator came to a smooth stop, the doors sliding open to reveal Sunghoon's lavish penthouse. Heeseung followed Sunghoon out, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential threats as they made their way through the sprawling apartment.

"So, Heeseung," Sunghoon began once more, his tone cautious, "I understand if you're not comfortable, but I'd appreciate it if you could at least try to make yourself at home."

Heeseung nodded curtly, his expression unreadable as he took in his surroundings. "Thank you," he replied stiffly, his voice lacking warmth.

With that, they settled into an uneasy silence, their interactions strained and stilted as they navigated the unfamiliar territory of their new living arrangement. And as the evening wore on, Heeseung couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him, a nagging sense of doubt creeping into his mind as he struggled to maintain his professional facade.

As the days passed, Heeseung found himself settling into a routine of sorts. His days were spent shadowing Sunghoon, discreetly observing his every move and ensuring his safety without ever letting his guard down. Despite his initial coldness towards Sunghoon, Heeseung couldn't deny the growing sense of admiration he felt for the younger man.

Each morning, Heeseung accompanied Sunghoon to his prestigious private school, blending seamlessly into the background as he kept a watchful eye on his charge. From the moment they stepped foot on campus, Heeseung's senses were on high alert, scanning the crowds for any signs of danger.

Sunghoon, for his part, seemed oblivious to Heeseung's watchful presence, his attention focused solely on his studies and socializing with his classmates. Despite Heeseung's best efforts to remain distant, Sunghoon persisted in trying to engage him in conversation, his cheerful demeanor chipping away at Heeseung's defenses little by little.

"So, Heeseung," Sunghoon would say with a playful grin, "did you really have to sit in on my math class? I thought you were supposed to be protecting me, not doing homework."

Heeseung would respond with a terse nod, his expression impassive as he scanned the perimeter for any potential threats. But despite his outward stoicism, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of amusement at Sunghoon's antics, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

As the days turned into weeks, Heeseung found himself growing increasingly protective of Sunghoon, his instincts kicking into overdrive whenever he sensed even the slightest hint of danger. Whether it was deflecting unwanted attention from Sunghoon's admirers or diffusing tense situations with rival classmates, Heeseung was always there, a silent and watchful guardian lurking in the shadows.

Yet, despite his unwavering dedication to his duty, Heeseung remained aloof and distant, his walls firmly in place as he kept his emotions firmly in check. He knew better than to let his guard down, to allow himself to be swayed by the warmth and kindness of the person he was sworn to protect.

But deep down, beneath the layers of steel and ice, Heeseung couldn't shake the growing sense of admiration and affection he felt for Sunghoon. And as they navigated the treacherous waters of high school together, Heeseung couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their relationship than met the eye, if perhaps, in spite of his best efforts to resist, he was slowly but surely falling for the one person he was sworn to protect.

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