Agent Ace

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✭Ship: Heehoon
↳Top- Heeseung
↳Bottom- Sunghoon

✭Requested by: no one


"Come at me" Ace said to the male as they got ready for sparring.

"Agent Ace, report to my office immediately" The announcement echoed throughout the headquarters.

"You're safe this time" Ace chuckled at the boy as he wore his jacket and left to the main office.

"Agent Ace, access granted" The system spoke as it scanned him and the door opened.

The man's codename was 'Ace'. No one knows his real name. He was an agent who has never failed or delayed any mission. Knows how to kill, both by short ranged weapons and long ranged ones. Him being bisexual is also perfect for seducing both males and females. He has quick reflexes, sharp memory and quick to solve problems. One word to describe him would be 'Ace'.

"Ace reporting, sir" He said to the head.

"Thanks for arriving quickly, agent Ace" The head said as Ace bowed.

"Young Master, This is agent Ace; one of our best agents" The head said to the other person in this room.

Ace quickly took in the presence of the the person and bowed.

'He's cute..' Ace thought.

"He'll be undercover as a transfer student to protect you" The head said.

"Yeah okay" The person said.

"Do you accept the mission, agent Ace?" Head asked.

"I do, head"

"Good. Here's your briefing file, everything you need to know about young master is here"

Ace quickly scanned a few pages.

"Here's your ID, you're Lee Heeseung for this mission. You may pack your belongings and check out the weapons of your choice at the armory" The head handed him his ID, passport and papers with the fake name.

Sunghoon and Ace, now Heeseung, were walking together to go to Sunghoon's place.

"How long have you been an agent?" Sunghoon asked.

"11 years, young master"

"Woah.. really? Anyways, don't call me young master, you're near my age and it feels weird" Sunghoon said.

"What should I call you then?"

"Uh.. my name?"

"Okay.. Sunghoon-ssi"


Sunghoon led the way through the bustling streets of Seoul, Ace—now Heeseung—striding alongside him with a stoic expression. Despite Sunghoon's attempts at conversation, Heeseung remained aloof, his focus solely on the mission at hand.

"So, Heeseung" Sunghoon began, trying to break the silence between them, "what made you choose this line of work?"

Heeseung's gaze flickered briefly towards Sunghoon before returning to the path ahead. "It's not a choice," he replied curtly, his tone clipped. "It's a duty."

Sunghoon frowned at the coldness in Heeseung's voice, but he pressed on, determined to bridge the gap between them. "Well, I'm glad you're here," he said with forced cheerfulness. "It's nice to have some company for a change."

Heeseung remained silent, his expression impassive as they approached Sunghoon's luxurious apartment building. As they entered the opulent lobby, Heeseung's senses remained on high alert, scanning the surroundings for any potential threats.

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