Maybe he was not good father.

Taehyung was walking towards door but then he heard

"PAPA" taehyung stopped in between of his steps when he heard his daughters voice.

He turned around to look at most beautiful scene of his life which he have thought that he never gonna see in his whole life.

Googie and Junie was looking towards him while holding their mother's hands. Junie was holding left hand of jungkook and googie was holding right hand of her mamma. And jungkook was also looking at him while standing in between of his daughters.

Finally taehyung saw his daughters with his jungkook standing infront of his eyes. And three of them were looking at him with confused eyes.

Taehyung's heartbeat fastened when he looked at jungkook and noticed little details of jungkook. Oh jungkook didn't changed a little bit. He still looks that eighteen years of old jungkook. Who will said that he's mother of two five years children. His those doe eyes are still shiny like before. But jungkook was more skinny than before , which made taehyung sighed by looking at him. And today he was looking an angel in white dress. This jungkook remind him of that jungkook on their marrige.

Taehyung comes out from his thoughts when he felt someone holding his hands. He looked at down and saw it's googie. Taehyung chuckled looking at her that how she wears boy clothes before but now gown ? today she is looking princess.

"Dad where are you going ?" Googie asked taeyhung while pouting. He was leaving them behind.

"I-i was going home cub" taehyung said patting on little buns on her tiny head. That's cute.

"Going home ? Without us ?" She raised her eyebrows into question.

"O- I'm leaving Junie with you guys tho so you can live with your twin" taehyung said while sitting on his knees to match her height level.

"What?" Taeyhung's head snapped towards Junie who was coming towards him with shocked face.

"What ? Leaving me here ?" Junie asked she also have same expression as googie.

"Papa. What are you saying?"

"I- was lik- don't you want to live with your mamma and twin ?" Taehyung asked and Junie nodded in fully agreement.

"So I-i thought that you to live here with y-your mama and goo" he said stuttering.

"That's oky. But why you was leaving without us?" Googie asked.

"Baby i can't take you with me" taehyung said sadly and both the girls gasped when they heard what their father said..


"What do you mean by this?" Junie asked.

"Um. You wanna live with mamma and goo right ?"

"Hm" Junie nodded.

"But baby mamma is married t-to someone s-so i-"

"So Junie and googie can live with mamma w-without papa"

"WHATT?" both girls shouts at same time. Tears were flowing from their eyes.

"Babies. Don't cry please. Your tears hurt papa" taeyhung immidietaly hugged his both daughters. His own eyes becomes glossy.

"B-but papa we don't wanna live with only m-mamma" Junie mumbled while crying on her father's shoulder.

"We want to live with mamma and papa both" googie sobbed on taeyhung's shoulder too.

"It-its impossible cubs." Taehyung tried hard to not let out his sob.

"I-i can't live w-with mamma. He marrie-"

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