chapter 25

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"NOOO" a shout echoed in Kim's house making everyone sitting in living room widened their eyes.

Taehyung who was angry and frustrated by his mother's words snapped his head towards Junie as his eyes widened too. The shout was junie's. The little girl screamed her lungs out. Tears starts falling from her eyes , loud sobs were audible.

Junie just screamed at mrskim 'No'. How dare she asked her to get a new mother. Is changing their mother and father looks like any toy game to her. and that's too her mamma ?? Her mama for whom she can die too.

"NO.NO.NO" she again screamed at mrskim while crying louldy. All of the Kim's tensed up while looking at little girl while choi's have their eyes widened , the girl was so innocent in their eyes.

"MY MAMMA IS MY ONLY MAMMA". She again yelled. She don't care what will happend with her. But nobody can take place of her mother.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he saw googie mentioning her mamma. What does she means.? By my mamma??

"THAT BAD AUNTY CANT BE MY MAMMA" again she yelled. Mrskim's eyes were widened if you ask it was looking , little taeyhung fighting with her. She was going red due to anger and cry.

"My mamma is most beautiful. Not like her" she again said while eyeing a shocked lily.

"Don't compare her with my mamma" she said while pointing at herself in pride.

"she's just leach , leaching on my papa" she said with no fear and all of their eyes widened again. Everyone sitting on sofa , stands up when they heard what the little girl said.

Mrskim was fuming in anger while lily was ready to throw her hands on Junie but she was fearless. Because she was just telling the truth.

"HOW DARE YOU BI- " lily yelled as loud she can making Junie flinched. The little girl scared a little by sudden voice. But lily was cuttoff and stopped by mrschoi.


"WHAT IM SAYING IS RIGHT MISS LEACH" Junie argued back. Jin palmed himself in shock.

"You. *pointing at lily* You are just behind my papa's money" Junie again said and all the choi's were shocked.

"KIM TAEGUKK" mrskim yelled.

"DONT YELL" Junie replied back with same yell. Oh how wrong a five years old girl was arguing with woman in her 60s. Mrskim can't be more shock than this. Even though jungkook himself have not yelled at her like this.

"NOW YOU WILL BACK REPLY ME??" mrskim asked gritting her teeth , hands turning into fists.

"YES I WI- ahhh" a loud slap echoed in Kim's house making everyone standing there palming their mouth in shock. Junie hadn't her sentence complete but before that she felt a sharp pain on her right cheek and everything went black in few mins to her. Loosing her control , she fell down on floor , very harshly.

"THIS IS HOW I TEACH YOU TO TALK WITH ELDERS" Taehyung roared at Junie who was crying and shaking while holding her cheek. Her cheek was fully red and taehyung's four finger was visible on it.

Taeyhung was so frustrated of his mother. He tried to control but when googie (Junie) starts talking disrespectfully with mrskim and lily , he loose all his control and slapped Junie , hard. It was okay to disresepct those two witches but still they are elder and Junie can't talk with them like this.

"THIS IS WHAT I HAVE TEACH YOU" taehyung again yelled at Junie who was curling herslef intl ball while scaring from her father.

Everyone standing their looked at taeyhung with scared eyes. He was fumming in anger like he would kill someone today.

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