Meet up

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Gordon looked at his watch "6:49" well being a little early won't hurt....right?

The truth is he just really wants to see [name], he hastily grab a jacket and put it on and grab his skateboard

But before he could open the door Ian and Dallas appeared and tugged Gordon's jacket

"Now where do you think your going gordon?" Ian asked

" meet up with...[name]?" Gordon hesitantly said with a little smile

"You like name don't ya?" Dallas said making Gordon blush

"N-no! I don't know!...w-well maybe i do....?" He answered, Ian and Dallas was surprised by his answer, Gordon's eyes widened

Ian and Dallas looked at Gordon a wide grin plastered on their faces

"Okay well have fun Gordon" Dallas said as he walked away still grinning

"Just be home before midnight" Ian said following Dallas

Gordon smiled and thanked them, he ran to the skatepark with his skateboard in hand

"He's definitely inlove" Dallas said to Ian

"Definitely" Ian nodded

"Who's inlove?" Kiawentiio asked confused, she looked around and saw that Gordon was missing "And where's Gordon?"

"On a date" Ian and Dallas said at the same time smirking

"Wait what?, really?" Kiawentiio asked surprised


As Gordon arrived at the skate park he saw [name] getting on her skateboard, he was about to call out for her, but he saw that she was about to fall of her skateboard

"[NAME]!" Gordon yelled as he he ran towards her catching her fall

"Are you alright?" Gordon asked [name] worried that she was hurt

"Gordyy!, i'm fine thanks to you!" [Name] said as she sheepishly smile at gordon

Gordon blushed as he realized his face was inches apart from [name] "you should have been more careful!" Gordon said as he backed away

  "Hehe...well now that you're here can you teach me how to skate on the railing!" She smiled emitting a joyful aura

Gordon sighed, and then smiled "of course" he said

"YESHH!!" [name] jumped with joy, she grabbed her skateboard on the ground and held Gordon's hand and ran towards the railing(?)

Gordon's heart skipped a beat when her hand held his, butterflies inhabited his stomach


They skated, taught each other tricks, and just enjoying each others presence

They then decided to rest and sit on a bench, enjoying the silence [name] was just looking at the stars

Breaking the silence "The view is so amazing" [name] said as her eyes sparkled in the moonlight

"Yeah...the view is amazing" Gordon replied

Unbeknownst to [name] Gordon wasn't talking about the shining stars, he was talking about her, as he said those words he didn't look at the stars, he looked at her


As they converse they realized it was almost midnight

"Sorry [nickname], Ian said i need to be back before midnight" Gordon said as a frown appeared on his face

DAMN °||° Gordon Cormier× fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now