Hana sat up, careful not to get into the vision of the window, and sat with her back against the brick wall of the venue, waiting for this nightmare to end so they could leave.

She was no longer worried about the outcome; the shootout had started as seven against thirty, but the Seven were able to take down most of them in such short time. It was now more likely that they'd leave here unscathed.

Finally, the constant popping of guns came to a stop and Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin stood to their feet, dusting themselves off, so Hana did the same.

One by one, Chenle, Mark and Haechan came out of the doorway, and Hana's heart dropped to her stomach momentarily, as she realized Jisung wasn't there with them; did something happen to him?

"Where's Jisung? What happened?" Hana stepped forward toward Chenle, getting too ahead of herself.

He chuckled in awe at her action. "Good to see you too, Hana. I'm alive as well."

"Not funny," she grew more anxious without knowing why. "Chenle where the hell is Jisung? Tell me he's okay."

Sensing the urgency in the woman's voice, he turned serious. "He's fine, he's just going around, making sure no innocents were killed or injured." He nearly rolled his eyes, but restrained himself. "You can relax."

Though she was relieved, Hana fought back the urge to snap at him for telling her to relax. She walked off, sitting on a curb nearby as she bored into her own thoughts. Truthfully, she had no idea why she was so quick to be worried about Jisung. After all, the only few interactions she'd had with him were relatively unfriendly.

Mark brought her out of her stream of thoughts as he stood above her, holding out the keys to the car he drove them there in. "Here."

She sent him a questioning look as she stood up, grabbing the keys from his offering hands.

"You can wait in the car until we come back, Jaemin and I are gonna go grab the file really quick."

Hana chuckled in disbelief. They, or particularly Mark, criminally underestimated her ability. To assume that she didn't fulfill the task she was assigned, Hana found that to be outlandish.

"Just wait," Hana reached her hand into the pocket of her fur coat, and pulled out the file, holding it showfully in front of Mark's face. For some moments, he only stared in disbelief.

That's when Jeno, who had caught glimpse of the file, came over. This attracted the attention of the rest of the Seven, excluding Jisung who was inside the buiding.

Renjun walked over, grabbing the file from Hana's hold and flipping through it. Jeno and Haechan nosily looked over his shoulder. "This has every single thing we need right now."

Hana nodded awkwardly, waiting for the boys to finish taking turns flipping through the pages of the file.

"Good shit, Hana." Said Chenle. There it was, the praise she awaited for long. The rest agreed.


They all got back to Forte, arriving in their respective cars. Hana sat gratefully at the nearest ottoman, relieved to finally be kicking off her uncomfortable heels and slipped on the cozy pair of house slippers that Chenle handed her. They were on the larger side, but nonetheless better to wear than the painful stilettos which Hana could guess were designed by a very inconsiderate man.

"Get showered or whatever, we're heading to 127." The authoritative Mark cut through tbe air and ordered the youngers and they began to do as he said. Hana wasted no more time and quickly rushed to her room, wanting a shower more than anything. Mark and Jaemin as well retired to their rooms, likely for the same purpose.

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