Chapter Two

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The room felt heavy, the atmosphere was tense, no one knew why, but the meeting between Rias' and Tez's eyes was charged with some energy that made everyone feel uncomfortable. The tension was palpable, so, naturally there was one person that had to break it.

“She's so beautiful!” Quetzalcoatl cried jumping towards Rias just to pinch her cheeks. The heir of the clan of Gremory couldn't react to the woman's assault, she was surprised to see a grown woman acting that way. “Isn't she cute Tez?!” The named one just kept his eyes on his fiancee, he looked at her from top to bottom and back.

“Well, we met her, let's go.” Was all Tez said, then he turned towards what he had recognized as the exit, this shocked almost everyone in the room, with the exception of the female red hair, who coincidentally shared the same train of thought, the rest of the being in the room shared the exact same thought: “They're engaged and yet he doesn't show any kind of interest in meeting her?!”

“Tez, wouldn't you like to spend some time with cute Rias? After all, she's your future wife!” Quetzalcoatl had a sweet tone, maybe the sweetest the devils had ever heard, but Tez knew that tone very well, it was her "do it or I'll beat the crap out of you" tone, with nothing left to do, he let out a heavy sigh.

“Come on.” He spoke to Rias with a tone cold while using a head movement to point to the exit, calling her like if she was some kind on dog, this had done nothing but angered the devils, one had the courage to speak up.

“Hey! That's no way of talking to the President!” Issei, being as hot headed as he was as and, even if he didn't express it, having a huge crush with Rias, immediately jumped up to defend his "king". Being incredibly fast, Issei put himself in front of Tez, just then he realized the height difference between the two on them. Tez had to look down to see Issei's eyes, this difference, along the action in general, caused Tez to smirk.

“Get out of the way little guy.” Tez said looking down at Issei.

“No until you apologize to the President!” Issei stated defiantly, still not moving.

“I don't have time for this.” Tez decided just to step aside and resume his walk, but yet again Issei put himself in his path, effectively blocking it. “Really?” Now it was getting irritating.

“I said, apologize to her!” Issei called his Sacred Gear, the Red Dragon Emperor's gauntlet appeared in his left hand and forearm. With that, he tried to punch Tez on the face, the teenager only needed to take a step back to dodge the punch.

“Or what?” Tez asked mockingly now getting close to Issei, to the point they were face to face. “Are you going to fight me?” Issei saw some kind of spark flashing from Tez's eyes. “Take this advice, don't pick fights you cannot win.” He scoffed and began walking, pushing Issei with his own body, once he was about to reach the exit of the door he looked back noticing how Rias hadn't moved a single inch. “Are you coming or not?” Rias looked around, trying to find a reason not to go with him, her peerage looked at her with some pity, the woman that had accompanied him looked at her like a proud mother, finally Sirzechs looked at her with some regret, and yet he tried to give her his best reassuring smile and move his head in encouragement, not having any other options, Rias complied. Once outside of the building Tez walked to the start of the stairs and sat there, just looking at the sunset, he had to admit, it was quite a view, Rias sat a good meter away from him, none of them said a word. “So what did you have to do to get this?” Tez was the one that broke the silence surprising Rias.

“What do you mean by that?” She was clearly confused and irritated, was this really the guy she would have to marry?

“Well, obviously you are a spoiled brat that can get anything she wants from her big brother.” Tez began to explain not looking at the redhead, gesture she returned. “Most likely you have a royalty complex, thinking your word is the law.” Now Rias looked at him with a really pissed expression, how there he spoke of her like that?! “So I suppose you saw some kind of romantic movie or series that originated the idea of getting married in your head, so all you needed to do was to ask your brother for a groom, but he doesn't seem like someone who takes marriage lightly, so I ask again. What did you have to do?” That had done it, Rias reached her limit, she stood up and stood in front of Tez, who wouldn't even look at her face, so now all the teenager could see was her abdomen.

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