Chapter One

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Sirzechs was nervous, right now he was in Tokyo's international airport, getting his head around this new groom, even though he had gotten some specific details about this person and his culture, he couldn't help to feel anything but lost, so, he tried to remember everything he knew about him.

“Eztli Tezcatlipoca.” Sirzechs told himself. “Prince and future leader by acclamation of the Mexicas, a skilled warrior, disciple of the gods themselves, blunt honesty is his way in life.” He let out a long sigh. “I hope him and Rias get along.” He said underneath his breath “Now... Where are they?”

He scan the crowd looking for the teenager, what he didn't expected was to see a gorgeous woman whom looked lost, so naturally he approached to help her, always looking at her, then, she turned to face him, locking eyes with him, suddenly, an enormous pressure was put on Sirzechs shoulders, he felt like as he was carrying the hell and heaven on his shoulders.

“Like what you see?” Someone whispered to his right ear making Sirzechs immediately turn to be face to face with a teenager who matched him in height.

“When did he get so close?”  Sirzechs was surprised, he hadn't even feel the presence of the guy.

“Don't be mean Tez, we need to leave a good impression.” And now, a woman's voice spoke behind him, it made him turn in a single blink, it was the woman he saw before. “Humm, scarlet hair, blue eyes, royalty like vibes, you must be Sirzechs!” The woman said in a joyful tone.

“Tha... That's me...” Sirzechs answered a little unsure, he then finally realized the name the woman had said. “And you are Eztli Tezcatlipoca?” He asked turning around so he could look at the teenager. “I'm sorry, I didn't know you would come accompanied by such a beautiful lady, and and who might you just be?”

“Quetzalcoatl.” She presented herself. With just that word everything around Sirzechs froze, he was standing in front of one of the four great Tezcatlipocas, one of the four leader gods of the Mexicas, so, naturally he immediately bend over in signal of respect.

“Oh! No need for that!” Quetzalcoatl answered with her normal cheerful tone, then she started to look around, as if she was looking for someone. “So, where's the bride? Where's Rias?”

“Oh, right now she's in the town of Kuoh, you'll meet her tomorrow.” Sirzechs informed the duo, in reality he just wanted to assess what kind of person Tez was.

“Así que no vino en persona eh...” Quetzalcoatl commented underneath her breath.

“I figure that, since you preferred coming by airplane instead of teleporting you might enjoy taking Tokyo's train to Kuoh.” Sirzechs continued with his explanation. “By that means, we will arrive at Kouh very late, so I made some arrangements, you'll be staying in an Inn for the night, you'll be able to wander around town in the morning, but, I have to ask you to return to the inn before one p.m., because at that time I'll be there to take you to meet Rias, I hope you're okey with all that.”

“Sure!” Again, the only one to answer was Quetzalcoatl, thing that Sirzechs noticed, also, he noticed that since the beginning of the conversation Tez hadn't taken his gaze off him, that made him really uncomfortable.

“Then... Let's go.”

The train ride was much of the same, Quetzalcoatl amused by anything, looking through the windows of the train and asking Sirzechs questions like she was a little girl on a school trip, while Tez just stare at the scenery without really looking, making Sirzechs wonder what was going on with him.

“Is there something bothering you, Tez?” Sirzechs asked trying to get to know the teenager, whom only gave him a side glance.

“Is Eztli for you.” He said in a monotonus voice while returning his look to the landscape. “And let me see, I was forced to leave my home and into a marriage I don't agree with, so no, nothing's bothering me.” Sirzechs decided not to push the subject anymore.

Though Tez's attitude wasn't the best the first day, the next morning was different, during the sightseeing he showed at least interest on the views and history that the city offered. Just as agreed, Quetzalcoatl and Tez returned to the Inn before one p.m., a few minutes later Sirzechs arrived.

“Good afternoon, I'm glad to see you are punctual.” Commented the Maou greeteing the foreigners. “I hope you had a wonderful morning, but right now we have business to attend.”

“Let's go to meet the future bride!” Cheered Quetzalcoatl making a jump of joy. While she was clearly exited, Tez, just kept his serious face. Unlike last time, Sirzechs didn't gave them an option as a red symbol appeared underneath them.

~Kuoh academy, some time early...

For Rias the day hadn't been the best, for starters, she couldn't get a good sleep because her mind was filled with concerns about this new groom, with Riser it was easy, she had known him for a while, so naturally she knew he was an asshole, but this time it was different, she knew nothing about this person which was driving her crazy. And now she was at her final period of classes not really paying any attention, “I'm going to meet him today..." that thought made her fell nervous and sick at the same time “When will this torment end?” She whispered underneath her breath, it was crystal clear she didn't want this, she wanted to get married by love, not politics.

“Boucho, boucho...” She could feel someone tugging her arm, bringing her back to reality “Come on, class is over.” It was Akeno, her best friend and the queen of her peerage. Lazily Rias stood up and let her friend guide her, Rias followed Akeno trough out the school, trying to get mentally prepared for what's coming next “Everything alright? You haven't said a word in the whole day.” Rias didn't tell anyone about the news as her brother had said them in complete privacy she thought it was the right thing.

“Yeah, everything's fine...” Akeno knew there was something else, something that wasn't fine, but she didn't pressure Rias, maybe it had something to do with the private chit chat with her brother the day before. Suddenly, Rias stopped. “Akeno, please tell everyone to meet me in the ORC building.” Was all she said before resuming her pace, Akeno stood there, watching as her "king" walked away.

Some minutes later every member of Rias' peerage was present in the ORC main room, no one knew what to say, the atmosphere in the room felt heavy. Rias, her normal cheerful leader, was replaced by a girl with dead like expression that still transmitted a little discomfort. She was looking directly at the center of the room, as if she was expecting something or someone, soon enough, exactly in the place that Rias was looking, a red symbol formed, symbol that most of Rias' peerage recognized as the Gremory family symbol. Three people became visible, the first one was easily recognized, it was Sirzechs, then, two more people appeared, individuals that they have never met, everyone look at them with interest, a pervert dragon looking only at the woman.

“Rias...” Sirzechs began but he shut up when he saw the "excess" of people in the room “I'd prefer we do this in private.”

“No, they are my peerage, and more importantly, my family, they have the right to know.” Was the stone cold answer Sirzechs received, he wanted to say something else to make them go away, but the stoic expression in his little sister's face let him know nothing he'd say would make her change her decision.

“Well, Rias, I'd like to present you, your new fiance, Eztli Tezcatlipoca.” Sirzechs said in a polite way of speaking using his hand to point to Eztli, who was just admiring the building he was in. On the other hand, this news shocked everyone of Rias' peerage, some were able to cover their reaction, others had a pretty dramatic one, Sirzechs had expected something of sorts, they were present when he announced that the compromise between Rias and Riser had been pulled off.

“What?!” A brown haired boy, better known as Issei, cried, this being effective in bringing Tez back to reality.

The teenager looked in front of him, his eyes meeting directly with Rias' eyes, and just one though crossed his mind “¿En que pendejada me metieron?”

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