The Dinner

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* this chapter is going to be shorter *

The entire family was gathered in the dinning hall waiting for the king to arrive.

Aemond was walking to his brother when the king arrived.

They all waited for him to be placed in his place so that they could sit themselves.

The king was placed in between Alicent and Rhaenyra.

Aemond took a drink of his wine and watched the queen.

" Let us pray," Alicent said.

They prayed and began eating.

" I wish to make a toast," Alicent said to everyone.

They all looked at her.

" I wish to toast to the Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne. You will make a great queen."

They all drank.

Rhaenyra sat there for a moment.

" I make one myself. I thank you, for staying by his side though his illness. Conforted him the best you could."

Aemond watched his mother talk to Alicent.

They ate some more and a bit later the king was carried out of thr room, taken go his chambers.

Some time later there was some ruckus that happened.

Aemond went to punch Aegon but he was stopped by his father. He backed off, knowing his father would handle it.

Aemond went beside his mother.

" To the chambers now," Rhaenyra said to her children.

" But mother," Baela started to say.

" Now," Rhaenyra said.

They went to the chamber where told to pack.

They were met by their mother who told them to leave.

" Aemond," Rhaenyra said.

" Yes mother," Aemond said.

" I am going to see everyone home and then I'll come back here on dragon back," Rhaenyra said to her son.

" Mother..." He began to say.

" Aemond, do not fight me my son. Please," Rhaenyra said.

He looked down and nodded.

" Ok."

And with that they went home, to Dragonstone.

* Sorry this chapter is short. I wanted go break up episode 8 into two parts *

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