Chapter sixty-nine

Începe de la început

Lastly among the currently distracting escentrics that sat within the room was Ranpo, who after almost three minutes was still unpacking the snack that he had brought for the short meeting. It was a sight that made me sick everytime that I saw it, even as the older detective insisted that I take one. Especially on the days that he did so. It was hard to refuse though when the hatrack's eyes were on me, daring me to try and do so.

The Agency was nothing short of interesting.

I watched the two as they observed the scene, a blue candy in my mouth. Meetings within the mafia had always been serious o a certain extent, one could only expect so much professionalism when throwing Chuuya and I in an enclosed space for long periods of time. Asking for peace then was like asking for London without rain, it was impossible and wrong to do so. Not a meeting went by back then without some sort of bickering, to the extent that the other executives and sub - executives present had learned to continue through it, knowing that we were paying enough attention to chime in when needed. Now, I watched as the mafiosos' eyes darted around the room as if not sure where to look.

"Is this normal?" Akutagawa asked, not looking at me as he did so.

I simply shook my head. "No," I said with a shrug, "normal Kenji would be awake and talking about cows," I explained, pointing to the sleeping boy, "and I wouldn't be here."

The mafioso only nodded, nothing more.

"Attention everyone," a loud voice all but screamed, all eyes obediently turning to the speaker as Kunikida turned on the projector. "Late last night, there were reports of a dangerous ability user coming to the country illegally," the blond detective said as my gut began to twist with apprehension. I knew what was coming next. "This man is a known terrorist and has been known to target skill users in recent years," Kunikida explained as he pressed a button on his clicker and an image appeared on the screen. The feeling became worse.

On the screen was a grainy image of a man dressed almost completely in white and black, his dark hair cut just above his shoulders as it always had been, and though I couldn't see his eyes I knew that they were a shade of violet that belonged to him alone, as if the fates themselves had created it.

"His name is Fyodor Drovostkey," Kunikida said, though I hadn't needed him to, and I almost didn't hear the man at all as I looked at the image on the screen, my assumption coming to life. I hated that I noticed that he was still beautiful, ethereal in the way that gods so often were, never changing and lacking the flaws that made humans' beauty all the more real. "The name of his ability and the ability itself are unknown, but are considered to be lethal. If you see him, stay clear. Do not engage."

It was almost amusing to see the last words being directed at the tiger specifically, everyone within the room knowing the boy's track record with following such a rule was spotty since the very man that he was first meant to avoid was now standing on my left.

Atsushi raised his hand like a student and waited for Kunikida to call on him before speaking, something that would have been very amusing on a normal day. "So what do we plan to do about him then?" The teen asked. "We can't just leave him loose in a city full of ability users."

Kunikida looked at me for the first time since yesterday and my heart dropped. "Dazai will handle him," the blond said, his voice even and holding no emotion to it at all, not even anger.

I could see Atsushi stiffen at the idea as it was laid out so callously, but everyone else within the room looked unbothered by it. They didn't know how dangerous Fyodor could be, with or without an ability. The chess pieces that he moved as easy as breathing. They didn't know much about me either to that extent, so I guess I shouldn't have expected much. To them, it was safest to leave it to me.

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