Chapter 4

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Star's pov

What is taking her so long?
I don't know. Maybe this is a mistake. I mean this is a company that sinners will hire us to kill someone. I take a seat and start bounding my knee waiting on someone to tell me that I can't work here.

"You okay?"
I look up and notice the male imp the other one was talking to now talking to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask getting defensive.

"Just asking. You don't have to be nervous. Blitzø can be a prick at times. But you have nothing to fear. He won't try to kill you if he thinks that you are not a good fit. Based on the fact there is only four of us. I'm sure he will hire you. Also names Moxie" The guy explains.

"I'm Star. And thank you" I say gratefully.

"So what's it like to work here?" I ask him.

"It kinda depends how Blitzø likes you. He likes to piss me off. But my wife, Millie she was the one you just talked to. He doesn't piss her off on purpose. Only when he takes it to far with me does she get angry." He explains.

"Speak of the devil and she will appear."
Moxie and I jump when Millie speaks.

"Anyways sugar, he said you can go on in." Millie informs me.

I stand up and walk towards the door. When I reach the door I bring up a shaky hand up and knock quietly.

The door suddenly opens and I notice four guys in the room. Two are imps, one is
A owl demon, and the other one looks like one of the deadly sins tho I'm not sure.

"Welcome come on in. I'm Blitzø the o is silent." The red imp induces himself.

I walk in and follow him to his desk. There are no empty chairs so I decide to stand.

"Hello Blitzø, I'm Star and I heard of your business through a commercial and that you are hiring." I explain why I'm here.

"Well yes. So why do you want to work... under me." Blitz asks me.

"Under you? What does that mean your commercial did not explain or really tell what position you're hiring for." I question him.

"Well I need a PA you know to handle calls that Lonna cannot do. Also would need you to communicate with clients. Maybe go on jobs with us. I'm not to sure what else." He explains the job.

"Oh well that sounds like an interesting position. And to answer your question I just got adopted by some guys. I was in the Hellhound adoption center. Well they decided that they don't need me. And I don't want to go back so I need to be able to make some money to rent a home and get food and stuff." I explain to him.

"Oh well that's shit. I can't pay you that well. But I think I do have a solution to the living situation and such." Blitz start getting excited looking at the other imp. The other imp starts to look at the guy that I swear is one of the sins.

"Oz can we?" The imp asks the guy.

Shit Oz as in Admodeus the embodiment of Lust.

"Fizz I'm not sure." Admodeus answers.

"Come on please." The imp that I now recognize as Frizzarolli begs.

"Alright fine." Oz gives in.

"Awesome that solves that." Blitz announces.

"Solves what?" I ask.

"Where you stay of course." Blitzø responds.

"That does not answer the question." I say getting pissed off with these games.

"You will be staying with me and Fizz." The Sin of Lust answered.

Okay let's back up real quick. We wake up confused on how we got to hell. Nearly gets beaten by some other Hellhounds. Learn that for whatever reason we are smaller than most Hellhounds. Wonder if we are a mix breed between Hellhound and imp?  Get adopted by two guys who decide we are not intimidating enough to protect them. Basically get disowned by a family you met for like two hours. Come here might be getting a job. Don't know because it was never said. Then two other guys want to take us in. Are we a charity case for them?

I don't know but let's see if we can figure out some things.

"Okay well umm... What happened to my say in things?" I ask

"Well how old are you?" Blitzø asks.

"I'm sixteen." I say

"Well you're underage so yeah now they are your guardians unless you don't need this job." Blitzø threatens.

Fuck! And we need this job but who the fuck does he think is.

Yes I know that is why I'm not going to resist for now also, our boss.

"Okay then." I give in.

"Great get settle in with them then you can start let's say two week from today." Blitz says.

I sigh deeply then turn to look at my new guardians. Great hopefully they are smart enough to know that I need a real bed and real food.

"Well I guess that means that we should be on our way then." Admodeus and Fizzarolli say their goodbyes while I just wave my hand a little.

"Welcome to the House of Admodeus!" Fizzarolli shouts beside me.

A/N longer chapter 895 words this time. Let me know what you think so far about the story. Or any predictions out there yet? Also should I do an M&M aesthetic or should they both get their own? Let me know because I'm a bit stuck on how I want to do it. Next chapter later this week hopefully.

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