smuttier version of the last story 😈

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Chester POV:
I was sitting on my bed scrolling through tiktok and the old trend that goes with the song K.
( I hope you know what I'm talking ab) kept popping up for some reason and I started to feel single. It was a really cute trend even though it was quite old so I don't know why it was on my fyp but I really wanted to do it.

Maybe Parker would do it with me? No probably not he'd think it's gay and weird. I mean I would have to kiss him to do it but I would like that for sure because I liked Parker so maybe I could convince him.

I got up and walked to Parker's room where I knew he was and knocked on his door. There was movement from inside the room then he answered the door. He looked so hot. He was wearing a tight ish plain black t-shirt with grey baggy sweatpants paired with glasses, HE LOOKS SO FUCKING HOT WITH GLASSES so I stared a bit but not long enough that it was weird.

"What is it Chester?" He asked. He looked kinda tired but I mean I didn't really know what to say because how was I supposed to ask him to do a tiktok trend that I would have to kiss him for. "I- uh" I stuttered out not really having an idea on what to say. "You good?" "Yeah uhm.." "Chester what is it just say it" he looked pretty curious to what I was trying to say. "Do you wanna do this tiktok trend with me?" I finally got out. "Yeah sure bro, what trend is it?" I took him to my room so we could sit down on my bed.

"It's kind of old but I really want to do it and you're the only person here so I thought I'd ask you" "Okay but what is it?" now I had to tell him (idk how to write this part). I explained it to him and looking at his face he looked  pretty flustered

"Do you have lipstick?" He actually was gonna do it with me. "Uh yeah" "what were you like prepared for this or something?" He chuckled out "no I don't know where it came from it's just been in my drawer for ages." "Hah- okay"

I left the room and went to my bathroom to go get the lipstick. It was a Milano red shade. A slightly deep red which I think would make the kiss marks look hotter on him.

I came back with the lipstick and sat down next to him. "Who's tiktok is this gonna be posted on?" He asked me. "Uh I don't care who's, who's would you rather it be?" "Mine." He just said rather quickly. He was smiling at me and I blushed a bit. "What are you waiting for put the lipstick on" "Okay I will, why you rushing me? Do you want me to kiss you that bad?" I flirted. "Would you be mad if that was true?" "Oh shut up" I chuckled playfully hitting him.

I started to put the lipstick on hoping I didn't mess up because I had never put on lipstick let alone any makeup before. I thought I did pretty good till I felt it slightly go down under my lip and it was smudged. I could see cause I was using my phone as a mirror. "Fuck" "Did you mess up?" He asked "yeah I did" then he just wiped it of like how you were supposed to in the trend making me look at him and oh my god it was so attractive. "Thanks..". I put on a couple more coats so the kisses would have more pigment then I was done.

"I'm done Parker".

He pulled me closer to him and my heart started beating faster. Why the fuck did I put myself in this position. I mean I wanted it but I was so nervous.

"So are you gonna kiss me now?" He flirted at me while pulling my lip slightly down. I was a nervous blushing mess. "Uhm yeah are you okay with it?" "Of course babe.." WHY IS HE FLIRTING SO MUCH. I didn't acknowledge him and just decided to kiss his cheek. It was nice and the kiss mark looked perfect I took off his glasses and placed them on the bedside table so they weren't in the way then I started doing more and Parker was blushing. "Are you enjoying this Chester?" He was still flirting with me. "What, are you enjoying it parker??" I said in a seductive flirty tone. I didn't care anymore. If he was gonna flirt I was gonna flirt back. I reapplied more lipstick so they wouldn't look faded.

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