party? idfk what to name this one 😨

389 8 28

No one POV: 😔
Parker was laying down on his bed just staring at the ceiling listening to music that was interrupted by a notification on his phone. He instinctively picked up his phone to check and it was a message from his friend Ezra


yo dude there's a party
tonight at Iris's house

it will be sorta crowded
but yk her parties

wanna come?

ask Chester too.

He looked at them and sighed. I haven't really taken a break recently he thought to himself while also leaving his room to go ask Chester if he wanted to go too.

Parker knocks on Chesters door but as he's doing it he remembers Chester is out shopping. He grabs his phone out of his pocket and goes to text Chester


                            dude do you wanna go                               to this party tonight
Uh where?     
                            Iris's house most likely
Do you want
   to go?
                             Yeah but we don't have
                               to if  you don't wanna
Yeah sure
  let's go
                             See you when you get
                                home :)

He smiled at the texts because he hadn't been out with Chester in a while. He went to text Ezra that they would be coming.

                                        We will be there
Cool dude it starts
around 9pm at
Iris's house
                                          Thanks bro
See you there

He placed his phone face down and laid down on the big grey L shaped couch. He laid there pretty excited because Iris's house was perfect for parties. It was a pretty big and nice house like a 8 minute walk from Parkers house where the neighbours weren't too close. And especially cause Chester would be there.

One of his favourite things to do would be to get drunk with Chester.

His best friend

His world

His crush

He was much more confident and flirtatious with Chester when he got drunk but he just couldn't be like that when he wasn't. It's like all his confidence drained when he was sober.

He wishes he could be like that when he was sober but he was scared, scared of what would happen, how Chester would react. When he acts like that when he's drinking he can just say he's drunk but what is he supposed to say when he's sober he doesn't really have an excuse.

His thoughts were interrupted by Chester barging through the door with groceries in his hands. "Parker I'm home!" He sounded pretty happy maybe that they were going to a party that night but Parker didn't really know or care he just liked hearing Chesters voice.

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