Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

All Rights Reserved 

***Heather's POV***


  I didnt know what to talk about with her, I mean I just met her. But I was wishing that somehow we would become friends even more then that bestfriends even. As my new principal came out onto the little porch thing, Anaiya and I just stopped talking and looked straight at her. She started talking about how she wanted everyone to have a good day and that she thanked everyone for coming out to the school to begin the new school year. When she got done speaking, our mothers said goodbye and left. Anaiya and I didnt know anybody so we kinda just stood together and did what the other did. All the kids gathered with there class, only one problem we didn't know which was our class. So we just walked side by side into the building.

'Hey, um do u wanna sit next to eachother in class?" I asked her

"Sure why not.." She replied

  We didnt talk much after that we just walked up to the classroom. When we got there we picked the seats in the front row and sat down. Then this girl named Micaiah sat next to us. We didnt know at all who she was, but we well I was willing to make friends. So as we all got settled and everything was put away, we all started to talk. We asked eachother things like our favorite colors and animals and simple things about us. After each of us explained about eachother I found out that they both liked to sing like I did. That was pretty cool so we already had stuff in common. Well all I know is the next thing that came out of Micaiah's mouth was wanna be bestfriends. I kinda froze and was only able to get one word out and that was sure. Anaiya agreed as well, but who knew if it would stay this way. Would it? I dont know but all  I want is a stable friendship for nothing to go wrong and hopefully thats what this was gonna turn out to be. 

   The day went on and basically all that happened was people introduced themselves and you got to know one another and got to feel comfortable. I didnt really talk to anyone except Micaiah and Anaiya so I guess that was my only friends. I was to shy and thought no one would like me to go talk to  anyone else so I decided on not doing so. At the end of the day, my mom picked me up and we drove home her asking the usual questions like how was school and all. Except this time I didnt know the answer. Was school ok? or Would I think it was going to be a living hell? either way it wouldnt be easy.....  

     I stared out the car window searching for an answer to the question my mom had asked me. Everything seemed so bright and beautiful. The way I was feeling right now none of that described.        I was feeling dark, alone, and sad for some reason. I had this feeling that nothing was gonna go right this year, but I had to wait and see. As I was thinking about what I should say a thought popped into my mind. If I tell her that I have a feeling something bad will happen and that I only have two friends that she will start saying a bunch of stuff about putting your voice out there and when I thought of that I took the easy way out and told it was a wonderful day and it went perfect. 

      Right after I said that I put my headphones in and resulted on listening to music to make me feel better. The song described my feelings and my situation perfectly. It was the song "Wings" by Little Mix. It talked about how nothing should bring me down and how I have wings and Im supposed to fly, which I think it means follow your dreams. I have always been wanting to be a singer. I wanted to be up on one of those stages, with huge lights flashing and shining on me. Everyone chanting my name."HEATHER,HEATHER" 



"Where is my make-up stylist?" I say worriedly to my assistant. 

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