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He couldn't help it. As Nick touched the rugby ball down, he let out a loud cheer along with the rest of the crowd yet some how was still the loudest. But as the rugby player got ready to once again kick the ball, their eyes connected. It was like time stopped. A small smile found itself on Henry's face as he gestured to the rugby ball in his hands.

What Nick did next was completely unexpected.

He continued to stare before throwing the ball to Coach Singh, who called after him as he walked toward Henry. "What are you doing?" The brunette whispered as he stepped down to be, almost, at his level. He didn't answer. Henry felt sparks shoot through his hand as Nick's hand grabbed his own, dragging him through the crowd.

"Sir, aren't you going to tell Nick Nelson he has to do the match?" A voice echoed behind them as they walked toward the school building. Mr Ajayi stood beside the questioning boy, just watching as the two walked off.

"Nah. I'm good."

"Nick, What are you doing? You have a rugby match!" Henry questioned as Nick dragged him into the hallway, turning to him as he panted. "Nick?"

"I don't want to break up." Nick exclaimed. "I know people have hurt you. And you feel like I'd be better off without you, but... I need you to know that my life is way better because I met you."

Henry didn't know what to say, he stood there just staring in shock for a moment before stuttering. "You-you don't have to say that."

"But I do. And I'll keep on saying it until you believe me. Look, I don't care about getting into fights or pissing off my mates or anything like that. It's all worth it to be with you. You are the kindest, most thoughtful and caring and amazing person in the whole world even though you try to hide it with your sarcastic comments,  and if you really want to break up, then I would respect your decision but I want us to be together. You're my favourite person and I need you to believe me—"

"I believe you. I very much believe you." Henry looked at him, a smile on his face. "And though I love it when you talk, I need you to shut up for a minute." The rugby player furrowed his eyebrows, barely able to get a word in has Henry kissed him, hands cupping his face.

Almost instantly, Nick kissed back completely forgetting where they were in the moment. It had lasted longer than the kisses they'd had before, the moment happy as the two boys stood there for a moment. It wasn't until Henry pulled away that he remembered where they were.

"Oh, fuck, we're still in the corridor, aren't we?" He muttered, glancing around.

Nick squinted his eyes, looking toward the glass doors. "Oh." He exclaimed causing Henry to let out a snort. He suddenly turned back to him. "So what?"

"Wow, someone is getting very confident." Henry laughed.

"You free on Sunday?"



"PLEASE, please, please!" Henry begged, looking at Nick with desperation as they stood at the almost empty train station. Nick was taking Henry somewhere but he wouldn't Tell the boy where they were going and it was killing Henry. "Tell me Where we're going!" Simply, the rugby player turned to him.

"No." He smiled.


"No!" Nick chuckled, looking at the boy's desperate face.

It wasn't until they reached the town that Henry guessed where they were. It was the seagulls which gave it away. They spent the day together at the beach. Sharing chips, riding the carousel which was nearby and kissing in the photo booth.

"I promise, you'll like it." Henry smiled as he handed Nick one of the earbuds. They were now laying side by side on the beach, just enjoying each other's company. "Everybody likes Arctic Monkeys!"

"I'll trust you." Nick chuckled, listening to the song which played through the earbuds — I wanna be yours by the Arctic monkeys. Henry watched him with a hopeful expression as he waited for his opinion. "Okay, it's not bad, actually."

"See! I told you!" Henry pointed at him before looking back up at the sky, feeling Nick's eyes burning into the side of his skull. "What?"

"I was thinking..."

"Oh, that's a new one." Henry muttered with a smile, closing his eyes while continuing to face the sky.

"I'm being serious." Nick laughed. "...what if I came out?"

Henry practically ripped the earbud from his ear as he sat up, looking down at the boy with shock. "Seriously? D-do you want to? Cause I'll be by your side no matter what."

Nick sat up too, taking out his earbud too. "I really want to. I know I've been pretty unsure of everything for a while, but, like, I'm definitely bisexual. And I don't want to have to sneak around pretending we're platonic bffs. A-and I'll only do it if your ready as well—"

"I am. I've been wanting to come out for a while now, so when you are ready, I'll be there too." The brunette explained to him. "A few people already know but still."

"I'm not saying I want to have a public announcement or anything, but... I want to tell the people who matter. And I want you to be able to tell people too, when you're ready." Nick stared at him for a moment. "Oh, my god, I like you so much. And I love liking you."

"Nick Nelson, you are going to make me cry." A smile washed over Henry's face.

Suddenly, Nick ran from his spot, yelling out to the sea. "I like Henry Spring in a romantic way, not just a friend way!" The brunette slowly stood, walking over to him causing Nick to turn to him. "What?" He questioned, noticing the strange look on his face.

"Uh, I just... never thought anything like this would happen to someone like me."

Arms wrapped around him, pulling him close as Nick hugged him tightly, squeezing his eyes shut. "Me neither."

Henry hugged him back for a moment, digging his head into his shoulder before calling out his name. "Nick? Does this... does this mean we're, like, boyfriends or something? Sorry, I'm a bit shocked." Nick let out a scoff laugh as he pulled away, but his arms stayed stuck to the boy.

"Yes. Was that not already established the last ten times we made out?"

"Shit, sorry, no... I'm a bit slow." The two let out laughs as the looked at one another. "What is wrong with me? Oh, my days." Nick stared at him for a moment before scooping up his legs so he was fully holding him. "What the fuck around you doing?!"

"You're my boyfriend!" Nick shouted as rushed to the water. "I'm your boyfriend! We're boyfriends!"

"Fuck yeah, Boyfriends!"


also I rushed through this because SEASON TWO !!

I also don't know anything about rugby so if I named things
wrong or anything, I apologise !!

- 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 !Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora