Intoduction To the Female Lead Character

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Name : Sarah McCalister
Age : 24
Profession :
Fashion Designer , Owns a well known company in london with her childhood best friend Brianna Mckay ,called "ImperfectPrefects"

Know more about her :
is a fearless, independent and ambitious fashion designer, known for her bold, creativity and unwavering determination. With her sleek black hair and piercing brown eyes, she exudes confidence and style. She comes from a wealthy family and the youngest daughter of the billionaires Mccalister family . Despite her family's patriarchal tendencies, Sarah has carved out her own path in the fashion industry, founding her company, ImperfectPrefects, at a young age. She recently expanded her business empire by launching a successful makeupbrand.
She have a secret past no one knows about......unknown to her , her biggest enemy do.......

Her family

Father : Edward McCalister (50)
A business tycoon ,Runs a family Business "McCalister Elegance"
Sarah shares a complicated relationship with her father, due to his patriarchal behavior. Edward, a stern man with a commanding presence, struggles to accept Sarah's independence and ambition but loves his younger daughter to death. He hates rodristo family cause of a past reason.

Mother : Evelyn McCalister (48),
is a kind-hearted woman with a keen fashion sense, though she is not allowed to work outside the home. She devotes her time to social work and charity, quietly supporting Sarah's endeavors from behind the scenes. Was a model in her 20s before getting married.

Paternal grandparents : Richard McCalister (75) and Margaret McCalister (72),
represent the old guard of traditional values. Richard admires Sarah's outspoken nature, much to Margaret's chagrin, as she believes in traditional gender roles and often clashes with Sarah over her ambitions. She is a old colde hearted women while he is a warm welcoming person.

older sister, :Saira McCalister (26),
appears cold-hearted to outsiders but secretly admires Sarah's bravery and independence. Saira harbors her own secrets, including a clandestine romance with a boyfriend whom she would do anything for. Despite her desire to pursue a career in criminal law, she obediently follows her father's wishes.

Colleagues and Bestie's:
Brianna McCay (24)
Sarah's closest confidant is her friend and business partner, a renowned fashion designer who co-owns ImperfectlyPerfects with her. Brianna, with her sleek black hair and fierce brown eyes, exudes elegance and sophistication. She secretly harbors feelings for jayzon.

Jayzon Edwards (24)
Sarah's trusted ally , a well known handsome a model and hacker extraordinaire, who assists Sarah in her business endeavors. He is attracted to switzel Miller.

loyal assistant, Alzara Nelson (22),
whose unwavering admiration for Sarah ensures her loyalty and discretion in all matters.

Mccalisters are treasure of secrets but her friends too are Birds who build their own nests and hide their own secrets. In this family everyone have their own secrets unknown to anyone even Sarah .
With their intricate web of relationships and hidden secrets, the McCalister family navigates the complexities of love, ambition, and loyalty in the fast-paced world of high fashion.

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