Akari joins the squad

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Days pass, and Kruz is bored in the Deathless Village. He just want to fight someone already.
As Kruz walks through the Deathless Village, he notices a Japanese woman leaning against a nearby wall. Her posture exudes a sense of weariness, but there's a hint of determination in her eyes as she calls out to him. Intrigued, Kruz approaches her, his footsteps echoing softly against the cobblestone streets.

The woman's attire suggests she might be a traveler, her clothing slightly worn from the journey. Despite the language barrier, her expression carries a sense of urgency, prompting Kruz to pause and listen attentively. With a nod of acknowledgment, he gestures for her to speak, his demeanor calm and receptive.

In a mixture of broken English and gestures, the woman begins to express her concerns. She explains that she's searching for someone—a loved one who went missing during the recent turmoil in the region. Her words are accompanied by gestures that convey both desperation and determination, revealing the depth of her emotional turmoil.

Moved by her plight, Kruz offers his assistance, assuring her that he will do everything in his power to help locate her missing loved one. He speaks with a gentle tone, his words a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty of their surroundings. As they continue their conversation, Kruz learns more about the woman's story and the challenges she faces, deepening his resolve to aid her in any way he can.

As the woman shares her story with Kruz, her words carry a heavy weight of concern and sorrow. She reveals that her beloved mother went missing during the chaotic uprisings of the nationalists, leaving her heartbroken and filled with uncertainty. Kruz listens intently, his expression mirroring her emotions as he empathizes with her plight.

In response, Kruz offers words of sympathy and reassurance, assuring her that he will do everything within his power to help locate her missing mother. He expresses his heartfelt condolences for her pain and vows to support her in this difficult time. With a gentle nod, he gestures for her to accompany him, signaling his commitment to aid her in the search for her loved one.
The woman gazes at Kruz's helmet, curiosity evident in her eyes, and inquires about his origins. Kruz, meeting her gaze with a sense of openness, shares a brief recount of his background, revealing his affiliation with Daubeny's mercenaries. He explains that he hails from a distant land, a place of conflict and camaraderie, where he serves as a steadfast protector alongside his comrades.

As he speaks, Kruz's words carry a hint of pride mixed with humility, reflecting his unwavering dedication to his cause and the bonds forged through his experiences as a mercenary. He offers insights into his journey, painting a picture of the challenges and triumphs that have shaped him into the person he is today.

The woman listens attentively, captivated by Kruz's tale and the strength of character it reveals. In return, she shares snippets of her own story, weaving a narrative of resilience and hope amidst adversity. Together, they find common ground in their shared experiences, forging a connection that transcends their differences and unites them in their quest for answers and understanding.

The woman's request catches Kruz by surprise, but he considers it thoughtfully. After a moment of contemplation, he nods in agreement, recognizing the importance of self-defense in uncertain times. With a reassuring smile, he assures her that he'll do his best to impart the skills she seeks, emphasizing the need for patience and dedication in mastering the art of combat.

Over the following days, Kruz devotes himself to training the woman, guiding her through the fundamentals of swordplay, footwork, and strategy. He imparts lessons drawn from his own experiences on the battlefield, emphasizing the importance of discipline, focus, and adaptability in combat. As they practice together, the woman's determination and perseverance shine through, inspiring Kruz with her unwavering resolve.

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