"Are there crabs in Plant?"

Start from the beginning

-Tell it to me... I feel like at any moment I'm going to get a "Cagalli", Miss Representative...

- Don't you want to continue working with me?...

You detached yourself from my shoulder and looked at me as if the answer I gave would be crucial.

-At no time have I said or tried to insinuate that...

-Sometimes, I would like to have a driving instruction book.

- Driving?

-That's how it is

-But you are very good at using the Mobile Suit.

Laughter overflowed from your lips, making me understand that I had not understood anything we talked about the last moment.

-Management of the boyfriend...

You whispered so softly that I barely heard you, but listening to you I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat, because that boyfriend you were talking about was me and I was going to humor you, after all, our talks become very enjoyable when you get into that mood. .

-So you want to manage me like a Mobile Suit...

- At least I know what to expect from them...!

-Well, if we go to that... I'll be Strike Rouge.

- Eh?... I would have imagined that you would choose something more imposing like the Akatsuki.

Intrigue dominated you and you placed your small hand on my chest while you looked at me interested.

-It's true that I like gold...

I answered with complete honesty, at some point in my mind we went from talking about the Gundam to something that caught me more at that moment.

I couldn't stop looking into your eyes and finding the most beautiful color in them.


I couldn't resist it. The impulse dominated me instantly, I needed so much to be able to hug you and fill myself with your smell that I think I even breathed your neck when I brought you closer to my chest. This is exactly what I meant when I told you that it was so hard to be by your side all day without being able to move a muscle to truly be with you.

But it was something I couldn't do like Athrun Zala or Alex Dino.

It was as if for a moment I had vanished from reality at this thought, but your hands on my back brought me back to you in a soft caress on the fabric.

-I'm here now... these are the moments that we must take advantage of until the last second...

You intertwined the fingers of your hand with mine; I knew what you had meant and I counted on your full availability, but it still felt clandestine. Then I understood that that would be me from then on...

A lover in the shadows. Dedicated to you in every way and... I didn't dislike the idea.

I took you by the neck carefully and I could feel how you placed your trust in me.


Your voice was heard like a delicate murmur between my arms, I wanted more of that... it was the first time I heard you like that.

-Tell me...

-I'm curious...

-You can ask whatever you like, if I can help you you know I will.

-It's just... that you seem so special to me, but so much... that I just want to know everything about you, see everything about you... and what I'm saying seems so intimate to me that it makes me ashamed, but despite that... I'm able to tell you. to you...

Omae no Princess (Your Princess)Where stories live. Discover now