Strawberries And Teddy Bears (GunRicky)

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February 14, 2021

"Ricky! Get back here, you over-sized kitten!" Hao called out in his angry mom voice.

Ricky turned around to see his friends, the Yuehuaz, running across the street to him. Ricky hadn't even noticed that the others were here too or that they were calling out to him. He had other, more important things on his mind. Like the essay that was due in 3 days. Or that he hadn't cleaned his room yet. Or that he had exactly 7 minutes to meet his boyfriend or he'd go searching for Ricky. Definitely more important things.

"Oh, you guys are here too?" Ricky asked, pretending not to be in a rush.

Gyuvin put a hand on Ricky's shoulder, "Yep. We came here to forget about Valentine's Day and go on a shopping spree. Wanna come with us?" The younger's excitement was barely contained.

Ricky, trying to think fast on his feet, replied, "Sorry, but I have to meet up with my sister. I'm taking her to see her boyfriend in a restaurant and I need to go now. Sorry. Maybe next time?" Ricky then ran off to 'go pick his sister up.'

They all felt like something was suspicious but didn't want to push it. So as they saw Ricky turn the corner and out of sight, Hao spoke up. "That kid will never learn to manage his time."

Ricky had run for five minutes before giving up. He hadn't really known the directions in the first place, but he figured it couldn't be that hard, right? Wrong. The mall he entered was huge, and he was unfamiliar with it. He couldn't just walk forever. So he sat down on a bench and called his boyfriend. "Hey, Gunwookie?"

"Yes, Ricky? What's wrong? Why aren't you here yet?" Gunwook's very innocent voice sounded like a breath of fresh air to Ricky right now, who was panting and tired.

"Well, I was on my way when my friends ran into me, so I made up a story that I needed to get my sister to her boyfriend and sprinted off. I'm in the mall right now but have no idea where that cafe is."

Gunwook's laughing was heard over the phone. "Alright. I'll come get you. What store are you near?"

Ricky, slightly embarrassed, responded, "I'm next to Sephora. Come quickly, please. I'm getting weird looks from people entering and exiting the store."

Another laugh was heard from Gunwook. "Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes. Just stay still and don't move. Okay?"


"I love you, Ricky."

"I love you too, Gunwookie."

And with that, the call ended. Ricky waited there for 2 minutes and 17 seconds, but who was counting? When he saw Gunwook's face in the crowd, he lit up immediately.

"Gunwookie!" Ricky exclaimed, grabbing the attention of the younger.

Gunwook ran over to Ricky immediately. "Ricky! Thank God I found you. I didn't want to break the news to your family that I lost you at a mall."

Ricky smiled and hugged Gunwook. "So, where is this cafe you spoke of? And why was it so hard to find? I spent four minutes running around here like a headless chicken!"

Gunwook laughed and took Ricky's hand. They went up to the third floor and to the back. It was a small store, smaller than the other places there, and, surprisingly, was mostly empty. The two walked into the cafe. The inside was as homely as the outside. Bright pink walls with yellow accents just felt calming.

The two sat down at a table in front. A waiter walked over to them, "Hello! I am Lee Jeonghyeon, and I will be your waiter for today. Here is a menu. Just call me over whenever you're ready to order something."

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