"Hey, Trace. What's up?"

"Hey doll, Doug just told me you finally agreed to go to Vegas and I cannot thank you enough!"

Marley let out a soft laugh, "Trace, I don't know if I'm the best person to put your trust into." She sat on the edge of her bed.

"Please, it doesn't matter how crazy you get. You'll still be smarter than four guys, especially Phil. Speaking of whom-"

"Come on, please don't start this!"

"This weekend is your chance to make a move!" Tracy exclaimed.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Phil and I are just friends!"

"Yeah but you want more, and I'm pretty sure he does too. I mean he can never take his eyes off you, is always flirting with you and you two just have so much chemistry. His divorce has been final for over a year, I think you can maybe stop using that as an excuse."

Marley fell back onto her bed with a huff, tired of having this same conversation with Tracy. It had started when she had met Phil and Stu for the first time. Allegedly, she immediately noticed how Phil was so flirty and touchy with Marley. Going as far as to spend their time at the bar with his arm rested on her chair and paying for her drinks, despite her saying he had no need to.

"Phil doesn't see me that way. We've been over this."

"You're not denying that you see him that way!" Tracy said in a mock 'Lovey-dovey' voice, making Marley groan and try to defend herself.


"All I'm going to say is," She was cut off, "Just go for it. It'll be worth it. And wear something black. That night we went for Italian food and you wore the black dress, I swear I saw him drool."

Marley couldn't help but feel her stomach twist a little. Maybe she would wear black in that case.

"Bye, Tracy."

"Have fun! And please just bring my fiancé back in one piece. And maybe bring back a boyfriend too!"

"BYE, TRACY!" Marley repeated, louder, hanging up the phone giggling. Looking back to her closet, noticing the one dress she hadn't pulled out yet. A short, black dress with thicker straps. Maybe a short dress was a bit too risky for Vegas? Oh well.


The day had arrived before she knew it. After doing one final check to make sure she had everything she needed, Marley decided she was ready to go. As if on cue, a car horn sounded from outside her building, clearly Doug signalling he was there for her. She put her sunglasses on and picked up her bag and the grocery store bag with the six pack of beer she had bought earlier. She made her way out, locking the door and walking to where she could see Doug and Alan sitting in in the front of a gorgeous Mercedes Benz convertible.

"What the hell? Where'd you get this?" Marley stood beside the car, looking over it in awe, "Hey Alan." She said as her eyes moved back to the pair of them.

"Hi Marley, I'm glad you're coming with us." Alan looked to her with a smile.

"Sid is letting us borrow it, thinks we should go to Vegas in style." Doug informed her as he got out to move his seat so she could get in the back.

Marley sat behind the drivers seat, letting her arms rest on top of the backseat, basking in the sun. "That's so cool. Can I drive?"

Doug sat himself back down and put his seatbelt on, "Sid actually said you and I were the only ones allowed to drive it, so maybe we can swap over halfway."

Come on, Barbie, Let's go Party (Phil Wenneck x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now