08: A New Contract

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me," Elliot frowns. He steps forward, placing himself in between you and Johnny. "I don't know the whole situation, but it sounds like you're shaking [Name] down for money."

"Shaking her down for money?" Johnny laughs. "Ha! You make me sound like some common thug. She owes me money, dipshit. She's in a ton of debt, and since her parents skipped town, it's her responsibility to pay me back."

Elliot recoils, then searches your expression for an answer. When you opt to shamefully stare at the ground rather than argue otherwise, it tells him everything he needs to know.

"So... how is that fair?" Elliot gapes. "It's not her fault her parents didn't make good on their dues. You should have kept better tabs on the people who borrowed money from you. Not to mention that, as far as I know, loan sharking is a crime. You can get in serious trouble for harassing someone like this."

"[Name] is the next of kin," Johnny says simply. "And believe me when I say that we tried to track those scumbags down. They got lucky and slipped under our radar. By now, they must be long gone. No way in hell will I ever get my money back. So, [Name] has to foot the bill in their place. And please don't threaten me, you little fuckface. Try getting the police involved and see what happens. We keep our books clean, and you've got no evidence whatsoever. But if you want to get [Name] in even deeper shit, then be my guest. Pull the trigger."

Elliot scowls. It's probably the first time you've ever seen him look openly upset before, and while you appreciate that he's getting so passionate on your behalf, Johnny isn't someone he should be making an enemy out of.

"I'll get the money," you mumble brokenly. "I'll pay you now, earlier than usual. If I do that, will you leave? I promise I'm being honest when I say I'm doing everything I can to keep up with this debt. I'm not taking it lightly, and I don't have excess cash laying around. I just... for one night, I just wanted to spend time with a friend and forget my worries. That's all."

"Yeah, well, you should've picked up another shift instead of fucking around," Johnny snaps. "Learn to be more responsible, for fuck's sake. It's no wonder you've been doing such a shit job of paying me back. Now, hurry up and get me my money, you dumb bitch."

You flinch a bit, although it's certainly no worse than what he's called you in the past. In any case, the only way to get rid of him is to give him the money and hope that he doesn't stir up any more of a fuss. Things will be tight for a little while, and you'll probably have to skip more meals than usual thanks to how abrupt this all was, but there's nothing else you can do.

Visibly dejected, you turn and trudge towards your apartment to retrieve Johnny's fee.

But you don't make it very far.

"What did you just call her?" Elliot glowers. His eyes are wider than you've ever seen them, and he even clenches his jaw, causing one of his veins to throb visibly.

Johnny blinks, unamused. "You got a problem with how I talk to my bitch? Shut your mouth and stay out of it. You know, you're really starting to piss me off, meddling in business that you've got nothing to do with."

"Take it back," Elliot warns. "Not only are you harassing [Name] and shaking her down for money, but you're disrespecting her too?"

"Whoa, what the fuck? Did you just try to tell me what to do?" Johnny half-chuckles, but it's clear from the cold look in his eyes that he's quickly losing his patience. "I'm not joking around. You'd better back up before I punch you in the throat."

The tension between them is unmistakable, and at the rate things are going, it's only a matter of time before this gets really bad.

Frantic, you try to protest, "I'm getting the money right now-"

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