Brie : That Time when We Watched a Movie

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Dear Pras,

Today i was so bored to the bone, so i try to find some movies to watch and kill the time before iftar. I kinda feel to watch some superhero movies, so i'm scrolling through Netflix to find a suitable one. Then i paused when i saw a particular movie.

Avengers: Infinity War.

I suddenly remember that day, when we hang out to watch that movie in cinema. Well, it's a one-sided date i guess, because i really thought that must be one of those movie date scene i've read hundreds time in the mangas and novels.

It started with you that picked me up at my house. That day, you didn't really picked me up in front of my house. You stopped in front of my neighbour house instead, made me laugh in our chats and i kept telling you to just stop in front of my house.

You said "i'm fine here, just get out from your house already." I laugh then tell you to wait for a bit.

Before i go, i ask my mom to go with you. My mom's kinda conservative so she expected that you picked me in front of my house. Not in front of neighbours house. I said that maybe you're too shy to do that, but my mom said, "Then he must be not that serious to you."

I left my house with a toned down mood but you seem like you not notice it. Or maybe i'm too good at acting happy in front of you. The movie was good, i even cried a bit because the iconic line "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good".

You patted my head. You made me leaned to you. That's so rare of you to have physical interactions with me. And those was my first time treated like that.

I got more feelings after that movie date, not gonna lie.

But then again my mom's line have brought me back to reality.

Maybe you're not that serious to me, because we never go to cinema since that day.

- Brie.

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