Kinan: Arthur or Andra (Brie's POV)

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Dear Pras,

Kinan told me again that she's really anxious right now. You know that "friend" that i mentioned to you in the previous letter? His name's Arthur and from her POV and my interpretation, he looked like a prince that ride a white horse, saved her from the evil witches that's talking nonsense to her and cursed her with broken heart.

From what i heard, i'm pretty sure that she kinda attracted to Arthur, even like him in "more than a friend" direction. But she keep denied it, saying that maybe it's just a temporary feelings.

I told her to accept his kindness, because he's willing to drive her anywhere. Even to her house and dropped her in front of her house! How sweet is that? Not like a certain person that picked me up and dropped me in front of my neighbour's house. (Oops)

I also told her to (maybe) try to go on a date him. Or even dating him for good, like to gain some new experiences with a boy. But she kept being denial. She still remember someone special.

He's Andra. The boy that coincidentally live in the same neighbourhood as me. The boy that is your friend, then became your rival, and lastly became your enemy.

Your rival/frenemy. Because i know you still have that caring spot for him as a friend, eventhough you always try to be far more better than him in every aspects.

Andra isn't a bad boy actually. I know because i've spent some days talk to him randomly while eating ice cream whenever we met in a local stall. He maybe weird in chats, but he talked the truth. He maybe lost to you in every aspects, but i found he had some good materials to be Kinan's partner. Or maybe even a boyfriend to her.

Kinan seems like she still have those romantic feelings to Andra, binded her to not try a new relationship with Arthur that came later. She still stalked him once in a while, even asked me to do so because she afraid that she might find something about him and his new girlfriend.

I want to tell her to move on and start a new feelings with Arthur instead. But I personally know that move on is super duper really hard to do than to say.

And that's because of you. I still can't move on from you, even when i know that you have a girl that you date for 2 years now as i write this letter to you.

I don't know, man.

Maybe it's gonna be easier to move on when there's someone like you comes to me to fill in the gaps that you left in me.

I just hope for the best for my bestest friend, Kinan. I hope she get someone that can fill in the gaps that Andra left in her.

- Brie.

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