"I don't think I have ever seen a boarding school with a balcony before so this maybe my first experience" Hiyori said beside me and I replied with a "mhm"

"MOONSTONEE!!!" Suddenly someone yelled that ruined the quiet moment. Hiyori and I looked down to see two girls that seem to be friends.

"LOOK LOOK LOOK!! I GOT SOMETHING FROM THE COOL SENIORS!!" She showed the 'thing' to her friend that I think her name is Moonstone.

"B**** do you really have to yell that loud?!" Moonstone cursed at her that sort of made me shocked... "Really.. Shanna?! F****** AGAIN?" She cursed again. Gosh, imagine if the wardens or teachers saw this..

"Yup!" The girl that named Shanna replied with a expression that is not guilty.

"Let's just go back in-" Hiyori informed and I nodded at her. I have to unpack my things too. I just hoped that things would go smoothly throughout this week!!

-Few Days Later-

"Yuki, Hiyori, Shanna and.. Moonstone. Looks like the four of you are a group for this month's project" My brain couldn't process for a while and went back to reality. I mean this is the last class of the day... And I can't really fully focused.

Wait, what? Shanna and Moonstone? Hold on, I'm having flashbacks. Aren't they? The one.. I mean the two who were shouting, yelling and cursing at each other the other day?

I'm fine with Hiyori since we became friends since the day of the orientation after we finished with everything.. But.. We those two... I don't know how I would get along with them. But I'll try though!!

I turned to my head to the side and saw Hiyori getting sleepy and about to doze off. Welp-


This is a bit awkward... I thought and that's because we're all are sitting together as a group. Hiyori just stared at us waiting for someone to say something while Shanna and Moonstone are doing their own thing.

As a proclaim the most cheerful person here, I would go first. "Okay, so... The name's Yuki! And this is Hiyori. We are friends since the orientation day if you wanna know! So you guys are Shanna and Moonstone am I right??" I pointed at them with a smile and the both of them looked at me.

"YUP! That's correct! I am Shanna and this is my bestie, Moonstone!!" She happily introduced herself and Moonstone which made me feel relieved because I thought they would look down on me or something but this is different than I thought it would be!

"Okay so... How are we going to do this project?" Hiyori suddenly asked with a sleepy expression along with a sigh escaped her mouth. "Welp, about that-"

"Yeah, we need some ideas to start this" Moonstone cut me suddenly. "Hmm... How about we make a group chat first!" Shanna suggested and I agree with that, so it can be easier for all of the contact with each other! Moonstone and Hiyori agreed too.

The bell just rang after we exchanged our numbers and made a group chat. "Are you all rooms are room K too??" Shanna asked me and Hiyori. The both of us said yes at the same time.

"Oh, same with us too!" "Of couse it's room K.. Cause that's for the first years, b*tch..." Moonstone gave Shanna an annoyed glare.

I looked my wrist watch and the time is almost 4pm and that means I have to do some homework, so that I can rest at night. Although, I can do it later...

{ Academy Lockdown } - A Zombie Apocalypse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now