Chapter Two | The Day Before Death

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"Why did you not stop me?!" I'm spazzing out in my kitchen, pacing anxiously back a forth as Cam relaxedly munches on a bag of chips at the dining table.

"Well," He starts, swallowing a bite. "I wouldn't say I didn't even try." A soft scoff came from his direction, causing me to scowl.

I had been in the state of hair pulling for the past hour. You see, I have a very mild case of social anxiety; Meaning that I have a small discomfort, or fear in social situations, or places that are more or less crowded. This is why, when I had outrageously dealt with the teenagers from earlier on this evening, I didn't realize how much of an impact it had had on me until Cam had successfully dragged me away far enough, so that we could flee the rest of the way home.

I couldn't believe that that had been me back there. I mean, it couldn't have been. Obviously I had been temporarily possessed by some evil demon, who knows of no mercy, since he/she cruelly let go of my body as we left the park, and undoubtedly proceeded to laugh at me afterwards. Curse that foul creature.

"You know, I thought it was really cool, what you did back there." Cam pushes aside his finished bag of chips, turning his head to look towards me with his deep blue eyes, as I still proceed to pace about. I hear a soft chuckle come from his rosy lips. "Even I couldn't have done that. It was pretty smooth."

"Smooth?" I twist my face in disgust. Even if I wanted to be complimented by what he had said, my mind kept tracking back to just how embarrassing the entire situation was, no matter how heroic, or smooth is was. "The universe has it out for me, Cam. I swear."

What happened after our little run in with the group of teenagers, was that I was about to turn around and walk away, pretending there was an explosion taking place as I strutted back to Cam, when someone grabbed my shoulder.

They flicked me around like a piece of paper, so that I was facing them. It was the Blonde One.

This was the point at which--I think-- the demon decided to let go of me, because I stood there, inches away from him, frozen in terror, as fear and realization took ahold of me. They rooted from the ground and tangled themselves around my ankles so that I wouldn't move.

I felt like I weighed a thousand tons, and started turning paler than a vampire, who had recently gone a week without blood. However, just as he had done before, Blonde One simply stared at me, his chocolate brown eyes locked with mine--and I couldn't help but notice we had almost the exact same shade of eye colour.

Again, he wasn't angry. He wasn't sad, overjoyed, nor frustrated. He was simply just shocked for a second, which was the single most creepiest thing. But, after this he just decided to creep me out even more than he needed to.

He smiled.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the man smiled--but really faintly at that. With his mouth closed, he measured my face intently. His lips twisted into an amused grin, with a hand still on my left shoulder.

That's when I noticed the one thing that brought hell on earth for me. His t-shirt, which was a simple grey colour now soaked in Sun Juice, had been bearing the name of a certain school on it.

The Riverside Rangers, had been stylized onto the t-shirt in a bold purple, along with a picture of a man holding a charge bow equipped with an arrow.

Riverside Secondary was the name of the high school I would be attending starting tomorrow. The very high school he was proudly representing today at the park. And assuming from the standings of things, he was from that very high school, and I was indeed, without a doubt--screwed.

It took us about 25 seconds of staring at each other, and 25 seconds of complete and utter awkwardness, for Cam to finally rush in and separate the two of us. He stood in front of me, shielding me from the Blonde One, and carefully backing me away towards where we had come from.

"Oh God. Hey, uh--look bud, I'm real sorry about this. I swear her hand just slipped." He said sheepishly, trying to laugh us away from all this.

I remember grasping onto the back of his t-shirt, curling my fist into a ball and scrunching up the fabric. I had been so scared, I might've cried.

All Blonde One did, was let a tiny chuckle escape from his throat.

"What the hell-" One of the girls spoke up. "-was that?" She seemed to be taking charge by being the defensive for Blonde One, as the others just stood there like dummies, and tried rushing up to us with her furious self. But, she was stopped by Blonde One, who held a hand up to keep her at bay.

From the way she looked, I assumed she was from somewhere in Southern Asia. She had long black hair, and bold brown eyes. Her clothes all matched and were skin fit, and two giant earrings dangled from her ears, as she shook with fury.

"Actually," I was surprised at Cam, who had decided to suddenly take part in this. "What the hell-" He pointed to the spot behind Blonde One, which was the spot no one was guarding anymore. "-were you doing-"

He was forced to stop in his tracks.

As we all turned to look behind Blonde One, we noticed that something very important had just gone missing.

The nerdy looking fellow.

He had probably just run off somewhere, escaping through the narrow window of opportunity Cam and I had provided. I couldn't help but smile at the thought, and I could tell Cam had been pretty relieved as well.

And that's when we ran. We turned around to grab the bike, with Cam laughing as we did so, and nearly flew out of the park. Not once did we glance back at the five juveniles. Yet I knew--because my spidey senses could feel it--the intense, amused stares of Blonde One, piercing into my soul.

I swear, not even the devil can make me feel the same terror I feel towards Blonde One.

"It's something your brother would have done too."

I finally look over at Cam, who's got this weird, half smile on his face.

"Aaron would have been proud of you." He came over and put an arm around my tense shoulders. "I know I am."

"You're not gonna tell my mom are you?" I need to look up to meet him in the eyes, since he's a head taller.

"No, she doesn't need to know." He shook his head, slowly pulling me into a right embrace. "Listen, Quince. You need to stop worrying. You'll be fine."

I want to punch him, as I try to wriggle out of his grasp, but my face remains buried in his chest. "I'm gonna die tomorrow and we both know that."

"Look, if anything happens, you can come tell me after school, and I swear I'll go right up and punch that asshole in the face." He assures me, giving my head a kiss. "If he really goes to your school, that is."

"You think those doofuses are gonna listen to you?" I finally manage to pull myself away, cheeks set ablaze from his unnatural behaviour. "I'll probably be dead before we even make it to lunch."

He laughs at this, before grabbing hold of both my shoulders and looking me square in the eyes. "Like I said, don't worry." I'm in the midst of a giant pout, as he says these next lines; "I'll be there for you. I promise."


Sooooo, here you go. I hope this is even the least bit satisfying. Jeez, I've been sitting and typing this for so long, it feels bad.

Lol anyway, I really hope you like chapter two. This story is taking turns even I wasn't planning O.o

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