Mercenaries at work

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Hannah smiles softly, a sense of pride evident in her voice. "I feel the same way, Kruz. Ashfield may not be the most glamorous of places, but it's our home, and there's something special about that."

As Kruz and Hannah delve further into their discussion, they contemplate the recent development of the Vikings and Samurai learning to speak English, akin to the Knights.

"It's quite the development, isn't it, Hannah?" Kruz remarks, his voice filled with intrigue. "The fact that both the Vikings and Samurai have begun to speak English, just like us Knights, is a significant shift in the dynamics of Heathmor."

Hannah nods in agreement, her interest piqued by the newfound linguistic commonality among the factions. "Indeed, Kruz. The ability to communicate in a common language opens up new avenues for diplomacy and cooperation between the factions. It's a step towards greater understanding and unity in our fractured land."

Kruz smiles, a sense of optimism evident in his voice. "I couldn't agree more, Hannah. With English as a common tongue, we can work together more effectively to address the challenges facing Heathmoor and forge stronger bonds."

Kruz walks off to join his other comrades and sharpen his pole-axe while Hannah does her own thing

As Kruz finishes sharpening his pole axe, he can't resist the urge to engage in some playful banter with his fellow mercenaries. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he saunters over to where they are gathered, a playful smirk on his lips.

"Alright, you lot," he begins, his tone light-hearted yet teasing, "time to see who's got the skills to match their swagger!"

His words are met with a mixture of laughter and good-natured ribbing from the mercenaries, who are all too familiar with Kruz's penchant for mischief. They exchange playful jabs and taunts, each eager to prove their worth in the eyes of their squad leader.

With a boisterous energy filling the air, Kruz leads the group in a series of mock competitions and friendly challenges.

As Hannah works diligently to repair her gear deep inside the fort, the clinking of metal against metal fills the air as she meticulously tends to her knight armor. Each piece gleams brightly, polished to a mirror-like sheen, reflecting the flickering torchlight that illuminates the chamber.

Her armor, adorned with the colors of her mercenary group – white and cyan – stands out amidst the dimly lit surroundings, a vibrant contrast to the drab stone walls of the fortress. Despite the seriousness of her task, there is a sense of purpose and determination in Hannah's movements as she works to ensure that her gear is in optimal condition for the battles that lie ahead.

With practiced skill, Hannah meticulously inspects each piece of her armor, checking for any signs of damage or wear. With nimble fingers, she makes swift repairs, reinforcing weak points and ensuring that every buckle and strap is securely fastened.

As she works, Hannah's mind drifts to the challenges that await her and her comrades on the battlefield. Despite the dangers that lurk beyond the fortress walls, she remains steadfast in her resolve, drawing strength from the camaraderie of her fellow mercenaries and the knowledge that they stand united in their mission.
Hannah can hear loud laughter echoing through the fort, she gets curious and checks it out.

As Hannah approaches Kruz, she notices his playful antics from earlier and can't help but chuckle at the sight. Before she can react, Kruz spots her and, with a mischievous grin, decides to playfully mess with her.

"Ah, there she is! The knight in shining armor herself," Kruz exclaims, his voice filled with playful teasing as he steps forward to greet her.

Hannah rolls her eyes good-naturedly, accustomed to Kruz's antics. "And here I thought I'd escaped your mischief for the day," she retorts, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

For Honor: Heathmoor at War Where stories live. Discover now