Chapter 9

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This chapter will be mostly talking but hey, it's important info.

Dusk pov:

"Blitz uhm, do you have something you need to tell me?" Blitz head jerked back realizing that she was being stared down. They locked eyes in a tussle of willpower which surprisingly Dusk won.

"I'll explain everything to you later, but this little guy said he knows a way for us to get out!" Dusk looked at her with a face and Blitz gave him the look back. "So your not going to explain the fact you just talked to a scavenger?" Blitz looked away and proceeded to nudge him, as if they were just going to brush past it. "They're not scavengers they're called Squeak." He did not know what she said but that's exactly what it sounded like to him

"I can't believe you kept all this from me." Blitz then did the face she always does when she's mad or annoyed. "You know I just met you right? And this is not something I would start of with." Dusk at this point couldn't control the anger boiling up as it shout out in one loud roar.


Blitz was shocked to say the least, which Dusk understood. He didn't seem like the dragon to yell or have anything negative about him at all, but he meant every word. 

Blitz shot him a look and opened her mouth but snapped it. She then walked to the corner of the cell and dropped her body and wings and huddled herself in. 'Now, I feel bad.'  Bad enough to say or do anything about it? Nope.  He felt a tug by his hip and saw the scavenger there, hitting or at least tapping him on his thigh. "And what do you need little snack?" It was just a joke but the scavenger flinched and Blitz snarled. 'Wait did the thing react to my words?' Great, not only can dragons talk to scavengers but scavengers can either speak or understand dragon. 'Absolutely terrific.'

He was about to get up and walk toward the bars when a sharp pain was felt in his leg. "Arrghh!"

Blitz cocked her head at Dusk then looked away, pretending not to care. 'I forgot my leg was broken.'  His thoughts were cut off from the sound of talons approaching.

He set himself in a regal position he'd seen scarlet and other royals go into while in public, he had thought up a plan.

"Now are ya'll going to sit on your Squeak all day or actually do something?!" 'Great, even they speak scavenger.' 

"I'll have you know that I'm a prince and my parents won't be happy in you kidnapping me!"

Yep, that was his plan. To try and scare the guards into letting them go, the guard looked to be holding laughter and he had thought it didn't work and that it was stupid until a new question popped in his head from the new thing the guard said.

"Blitz? You scored a prince wow!" 

First off. 'What? He knows Blitz?'  Second. 'What does he mean by scored?'  Blitz could probably see the confusion in his face as she tried to explain to him as the guard walked off. "So, we are stormwings, if you didn't already know we escaped from our island and well, we were supposed to mate with an animus dragon to give animus blood into our bloodline. We escaped perfectly as they thought we were just going on our mission early. 


At this point nothing surprised him, he was already mad to begin with but now he was absolutely devastated.

'That's why she was so excited when she thought I was an animus.'  Dusk turned to Blitz whose horns turned blue, which he guessed just meant shock. "Dusk, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I couldn't, I would've if I could."  She had a apologetic face and walked up to Dusk who jerked back. The guard was now humorously chuckling to himself while they started argued.

The scavenger tugged his thigh again, undisturbed by the fact Dusk called him a snack 5 minutes ago. "Yuuh shuhld apoologehz." (You should apologize) The scavenger spoke to him, making Dusk flinch.  "For what? She was the one who hid everything from me and got me into this."

"Apoologize."  Was all they they said again. "But-" "Apoologize!"  Even with the wonky wording they even got the roars right to make it a yell. 'Well can't argue with that logic.'  

Dusk got up and walked toward Blitz, who looked back at him and back into the interesting corner. "Hey, Blitz, I need to talk to y-" "You don't need to talk to me, It was my fault I do-" Dusk cut her off by wrapping a wing around her. "I'm still sorry for yelling at you, you look like your going through so much with this secret of yours and I feel I was just pushing it."  

Suddenly, Blitz put her snout under his, snuggling into his warmth, shocking him into almost jerking back but then accepting it, he wrapped his wings around her and they just sat there for a moment.

Dusk felt everything calm as both their heats mixed as the fire in the air and his heart intensified for the moment.

Blitz snuggled closer to Dusk who chuckled in response. "I thought you said no buddy-buddy." Dusk joked to Blitz who pushed away, her horns turned a very light yellow which he guessed meant flustered. "T-That was an accident, I just..." Dusk brushed his wing with hers. "It's fine, I didn't think you were a hugging type." 

Blitz did a light chuckle and laid down, looking tired enough. 'I never thought I'd see this adorable side of her.'  He went and laid down next to her as well as they were about to drift off into sleep. "Look Dusk, I didn't become friends with you because of some mission they were supposed to send me on" 'She said the F word!' "I became friends with you because your a nice dragon and..." She stopped there, her horns growing a brighter yellow.

"Blitz it's okay! I get that it would be hard to talk about, I mean, I have a secret that I didn't tell you yet." Blitz started chuckling as Dusk noticed how calm she was instead of the tense, deva she was before. 

He felt the heat on his scales rise from the sun as he realized it was already daytime, they still were both very tired as they both drifted off into sleep...

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