Chapter Four

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During the Great War, The Overworld wasn't the only place drenched in bloodshed. A dimension away laid The End Dimension, a name given to people of the Overworld considering it known for being 'the end of eternity' although it has never been proven. In The End, lived a species of central-Asian-looking humans with unimaginable powers. They spoke Korean or more specifically Gangwon, had purple accents in their hair whether it be roots, tips, or streaks, and controlled being known as 'Enderdragons', which are pretty self-explanatory. The End was known as the strongest place to exist. Its army was impenetrable, and it kept a strict paternal monarchy for ages. The king during a bit of the Great War was King Rendor Woo. He was a man of strength who valued his religious beliefs almost too much. During the beginning of the Great War, he was assassinated. The world still doesn't know who committed such an act. When he died, his eldest son, Markus Woo, took the crown for the rest of the war. He was the most beloved king that had ever ruled. He was kind, cared for every soul even the ones of The Overworld, and took responsibility for any heinous act committed by his people. During the war, he tried his best to stay neutral on what side to take, but he would intervene when things got too severe.

When the war was at its calmest, and everyone was trying to figure out what move to make next, Markus met Joanna Choi, an aristocrat's daughter. She was a clever woman, who always seemed to have the upper hand, and an axe on her shoulder. Markus almost immediately fell in love. Since he had ruled for four years without a wife or children, Joanna's father was happy to hear this and with Joanna's permission, allowed them to marry. After that small moment of bliss, something conspired.

Ingressus Voltaris, the main Ardoni spark of the war, met with a second dimension. The Nether. The Nether was the closest thing to hell that existed. It was a red, fiery, inferno that would kill most people that weren't indigenous to it. Their people looked similar to Magnorites and Voltarians, but they all had the same pattern of markings. Ingressus allied with King Chronos and his sons Prince Pythus and Prince Vulcannus (even though Vulcannus was merely a newborn when the event took place) and charged to The Overworld.

Hearing this, Markus quickly took his troops and left his pregnant wife. During the peak of the Great War, both Chronos and Markus died. But the death wasn't over. Back at The End, Joanna died in childbirth, leaving their daughter orphaned. The girl was then sent to The Overworld to live with a different family that was friends with her father until she was old enough to rule. But unfortunately, no one decided to tell her of her heritage.

As she grew, the region of Lorraine noticed how different she was, not only in her Asian and Ender appearance but by how socially inept she was. But the only reason they don't subject her to physical prejudice is because of who she lives with. The Beaumont Family was one of the most respected families in the region. They gave birth to aristocrats, religious leaders, and intellectuals. But being protected from lynching, murder, or rape didn't protect her from being banned from doing things like using public restrooms, buying things from markets, etc. So, she hunted to spend her time. When she pulled back her bow, her dog Sam barked loud enough to make the deer she was targeting trot away. "Sam!" she groaned, wrapping her bow around her.

When she got home, her disappointment didn't leave her. "Abbigail!" Abbigail's pseudo-mother, Eleanor Finch called her name, storming up to her. "Where on earth have you been!?" she exclaimed, grabbing Abbigail's bow and forcing it off of her. "Not in town!" Eleanor grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her down the hall. "This kind of boyish nonsense is beneath you!" Sam barked as a way to get Eleanor to let Abbigail go, but to no avail. "And keep that filthy animal outside!" Eleanor screamed, kicking at him, and causing Sam to scurry away. Eleanor dragged Abbigail to where her husband, Louis Finch was and started to complain to him as well. After a while, Abbigail found time to walk away after Louis started arguing with Eleanor about being too loud to be a wife.

"Sorry, boy," she cooed, petting Sam. Suddenly, Sam's ear perked upward. Abbigail looked up but saw nothing. "What is it?" Sam sat up and started to growl at whatever he was looking at, before barking and running for it. "Sam!" Abbigail ran for Sam but stopped when she saw what got him so riled up. It was an Enderdragon egg. But Abbigail had no idea what she was looking at. "What the hell?"

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