Chapter Three

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Lucan Soprano had always had an interesting path. He started his life in Italy, being a Roman wasn't exactly liked by the rest of the non-human world, but Lucan barely knew about that. The first non-human interaction he had was when he reached the age of eighteen and joined the army. Lucan joined the Venice militia and fought against the Ottoman Empire for the first 5 years of his adulthood. During the scuffle, Sendaria was fighting with Greece for land, and Greece was fighting with the Ottomans for independence. No one in Lucan's background had experienced this much warfare in their lives. When Lucan first saw Ardoni he wasn't afraid, but a little bit interested. Which unfortunately hindered his ability to follow orders. His commander got so annoyed with Lucan, that while the war was at a standstill, Lucan's commander sent him far across the continent to the Felinan territory Zuka to have a more 'disciplined officer'.

When Lucan arrived, he was greeted by the most intimidating man he'd ever met. The Captain of the Zukan Military was a tall, broad-shouldered man with pale blonde hair, black ears, and deep green eyes with a blood-red scar down his left one. Lucan was the very first human to ever be allowed to be part of a non-human military. A part of him was scared out of his mind, but another part was ecstatic. He was the first. And he loved it.

A few weeks after he joined, Lucan met Kiyoshi Nakamura, the grandson of The Captain. Much to Lucan's surprise, they immediately formed a bond. But like many of Lucan's family members would have said before that day; a man of normality can't befriend a monster.
The war progressed and the hatred that sparked between European humans and non-humans seeped through everyone's minds. That day, Kiyoshi and Lucan's friendship died. After that, Lucan deliberately committed acts of treason just to spite Kiyoshi. The very act that landed him in a Zukan federal prison. "Kiyoshi would be happy to see that your behavior has been good, Lucan." Lucan rolled his eyes. Marcus, the prison officer always managed to be as condescending as ever. Lucan crossed his arms and sighed, saying nothing. "So happy, that he's agreed to let you out a little early," Marcus said, handing Lucan his release notice. Lucan's eyes widened. Not only was this the first time Marcus had ever been genuine, but it was also the first time in a while that Kiyoshi had done something for him. Skeptical, Lucan took the notice. "He needs help, doesn't he?" Marcus tsked. "The Amirians are planning an attack-" Lucan rolled his eyes before standing up. "Of course they are."

"They are in desperate need of more men, Lucan!" he heard Marcus tell on his way out. Typical Kiyoshi. Lucan groaned to himself. He hadn't been in war for months, and now Kiyoshi needed his help. Lucan was in disbelief. But he held his tongue as he walked to the main Zukan military base.

On his way there, he heard a voice, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was an Amirian woman begging and calling out to people. An Amirian woman in Zuka wasn't exactly unheard of. During the splitting of Felora, small percentages of different Felinans were forced to stay were they originally were to to the fact they had little to no money. Even though they were allowed to stay where they were, they weren't brought out of poverty and were forced to stay in the far outskirts of whatever territory they inhabited. When Lucan focused on her, she almost seemed mad. She was talking to herself, rubbing her ears, and pacing. He was about to ignore her if it wasn't for Lieutenant Isamu, a Zuka officer only a bit more important than Kiyoshi, harassing her. "You! What are you doing out here by yourself!" he screamed. Isamu was what Lucan's fellow soldiers called 'a stick in the ass'. He always had a problem with something. This time, he had a problem with her. "Amirian women aren't permitted to be outside without their husbands."

"I-I have no husband- my daughter she-" Isamu put his hand up to silence her. "Go home." he retorted. "No!" after a while, Isamu had had enough of her screams and stuck her in the temple with the back of his gun. Seeing such a severe reaction from a lukewarm situation horrified Lucan. After Isamu left Lucan ran up to the weak woman without being spotted by him. "My...My daughter," she whispered, grabbing onto Lucan's arms as he tried to help her up. "What?" the woman pulled a photo from the pocket in her saree. "Bring her home," she said, forcing the photo into his hands. "I remember you. You killed my husband." she smiled weakly. Lucan killed many Amirians, but this was the very first time his own prejudice was confronted. "But you have a chance to do right. Find her." Lucan was frozen in his own shock. "Go!" the woman was loud enough to get Lucan to leave.

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