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"Let's get out of here", I say.

"Alright wolves!", he yells. "Let's move out."

We get back to the den and I howl to let everyone know we're back.

"Wren baby! I missed you! Were you good?", I ask my daughter, while putting her safely in my arms.

"Of course she was! Ran about leading the other pups in little games.", Willa laughed.

I smiled at her.

"Wyatt!!", Wren squeals.

"Oh little Wren....tsk tsk.....I think you're missing something.", Wyatt says, looking a little confused.

"What do you m......?", Wren asks, but stops mid sentence when Wyatt puts a bracelet with a wolf, a nightshade berry, and a bird charm on her wrist."Thank you Wyatt!"

"You're welcome Wren.", he smiles.

He's so good to her.

"Good to be back right, love?", Wyatt says scaring me, I jump.

"Yes, it's good to be back.", I boop his nose.

Sorry it's kind of short, it's 11:45 pm here lol <3.

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