Chapter 11

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"None of the specialists," I assure, "Just some hot guy who was impressed with my fighting, nothing is going to come from it," I tug at me sleeve uncomfortably, I'm trying to convince myself just as much as I'm trying to convince Stella.

"Show me your neck again," She says, holding up a glowing finger, I lean away from her.

"What exactly are you going to do with that?" I ask nervously, Stella's great at most magic but I'd sooner mix Skittles with M&M's than let her perform a spell on me.

"Oh Y/n, you know me, I've had about a thousand hickeys I need to hide, this is just a little spell to help get rid of them faster," She beams, "I've done it on myself like a bajillion times, nothing to worry about." She presses her finger against one of the marks, "It takes a while, so now you can give me all the little details about how in Magix this mystery guy gave you these!"

We sat there talking well passed curfew, not unusual for us, though, conversations are just so much easier with Stella. I told her all about what happened with the hickeys, leaving out the finer details, naturally. And she told me all about her master plan to make Prince Sky fall in love with her, not that she needs a plan, he seems pretty interested already.

We must've fallen asleep at some point because I woke up and the sneaky bitch was in my bed. Moonlight streamed through my open curtains, Stella is snoring, I roll over and get up from my floor, my aching back and legs carrying me to my balcony. I let the cool night air wash over my flushed face and it nestles in my hair. I close my eyes, taking a long, deep breath. It's so silent. This usually busy campus fast asleep in the dead of night, the full moon at her peak, and for moment, it's just us. The moon and I stood in perfect harmony. It reminds me of the night Riven and I danced together, it still surprises me how good of a dancer he is. The way he took my hand and held my lower back with such fierce gentleness. I don't think we broke eye-contact once. And now, with my eyes closed, I can almost see his face, that look in his eyes when he lets his wants take over, I saw it just before he kissed me. There's a certain battle between his head and nature, you can see it by how intense he looks, a slightly strain of want, before he says "fuck it" and allows himself that moment. God, look at me, thinking of Riven, when there are a million other things to be thinking of, but no, I'm stood here, in the dark, with my eyes closed, thinking of the most annoying man I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. 


 My eyes shoot open at the tiny sound, leaning across my balcony I see a hooded figure run into the forest. I have half a mind to go after them, the other just wants to go to bed. It could be Riven, an unusual sensation fills my stomach, similar to the bubbles of rage I get, but softer, almost like an anxiety, I chew nervously at my thumb, if it is Riven, then I should go after him, right? Unless that's what he wants, and I am a woman who will do many things but giving Riven what he wants for free is definitely not one of them. I sigh heavily and return to my room. Stella's still snoring away, perfectly positioned so I can't slot myself in anywhere. "Fucks sake," I whisper to myself. I take a spare blanket and one of my cushions, making a little bed for myself on my floor. I look at it despairingly. "Night Stella," I say softly, "Selfish bitch," I kiss her gently on her forehead before laying down to sleep.   

"I have amazing news!" Stella announces, bursting into the kitchen holding a piece of paper. It's one of the more humbling jobs here at Alfea. They pick a dorm group every day to cook a whole meal for the entire school.

"You got out of kitchen duties, we know," I say while rolling my eyes. I don't know how she does it, honestly I'm quite impressed. She always manages to get her desired outcome, one way or another. 

"For a valid reason! I have a date!" Stella exclaims while spinning around the kitchen, knocking over several pans which fall in a deafening crash, I wince at the noise. She wafts the paper in the air excitedly as I roll my eyes.

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