Chapter 42 - No Humanity Hedda

Start from the beginning

I jump off him, trying to stay strong so I'm not convinced by his argument. How did he know that's something I want to find out? Not even 'Lijah knows that I have that question about how I became a wolf.

Ansel tries again, "do you want to know why you're a wolf like your brother Niklaus?"

I sense he's trying to trick me, holding back information until I have my humanity again and I don't like it. I bite his wrist very hard, drawing blood and his eyes widen, not expecting me to do that at all.

"Hedda biting isn't nice," he corrects ever so gently, picking me up and stroking my baby fur softly.

His insistent love is very strange to me so I shift back and get changed before asking him lots of questions.

"Why are you so nice to me, it's like you love me?"

"I do love you Hedda. Why don't I start with explaining something else?" Ansel redirects me and I let him, hoping to get more answers.

"Mikael isn't your real father, have you heard that before?"

"Yes Nik said it but I don't understand because he was my father," I display my confusion. No one has bothered to elaborate any further.

"Children are made from one man and one woman. You and Niklaus were made from half of Esther and half of me," Ansel drops an information bomb on me.

I stare at him in silence trying to work through what that means. I think I know but I don't want to be stupid and wrong.

"Are you really my Daddy?"

"Yes Hedda, I am," Ansel responds very sincerely.

"How do you know?" I ask inquisitively, a little confused by how Daddies work.

He clears his throat. "You're a wolf, that means either your mother or father has to be one too. Your wolf is from me."

I listen to him carefully, not saying a word as I mull it all over.

"If you were on the Other Side when I was for years and years, why didn't you say hello to me?"

"You hadn't turned into a wolf then had you?" He explains simply. "I didn't know you were my precious daughter until you turned, although I always suspected."

"Oh," I say simply.

He smiles warmly down at me and a little tingle in my belly ignites but I squash it down quickly. If I let that tingle grow, I will be sad about Koly again and I can't have that. I have to stay with no humanity.

Ansel reaches for my little hand and holds it, making it harder to compress that sense of comfort with him. His actions make it harder to keep emotions off and I wonder if he's doing it on purpose.

"Don't do that," I snap at him. "Or I'll bite you."

He ignores me, keeping a firm hold on my hand as we walk down the little dirt trail together. I scowl at his immediate dismissal of my threat but I can't bring myself to follow through with it this time. Somehow he knew that.

"My last father hurt me a lot," I tell him with brutal honesty because I can't get upset about it. "Are you going to make me sick and bleed like he did? Did you know he made me go blind and deaf and I had to go to the hospital."

Ansel looks appalled at my question and sits us down on a rock, with me by his side.

"Mikael was a very cruel man. He has hurt many," he glances at me to see if I'm listening and I'm hanging on every word. "I love you very much Hedda. I've been waiting so long to meet you, I would never dream of hurting you. I'm so pleased I can get to know my little girl and love you properly now, like you should have been loved."

Hedda MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now