Chapter 19 - Deciphering messages

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Henrik is gone and I'm really sad.

Luckily Nik is back and he distracts me as much as possible while Bekah goes to school. I move my belongings into our new house fit for the whole family. It's huge.

I'm so pleased I don't have to stay at the Salvatores anymore. This means everyone is coming home.

"I like your new bears Hedi, they're lovely," Nik picks up Pinky and sits her on my new pink bed in my new pink bedroom.

Everything is pink and I love it.

"You'll like Teddy more, listen," I grab him excitedly, before pushing the button in his hand to play Henrik's recording.

"I love you Hedu," Henrik's voice startles Nik before he realises it's coming from Teddy.

"That's amazing, did you do that with Henrik yesterday?" Nik asks, clearly feeling left out.

"Yes, I wish you were there too."

"So do I, but I'm here now aren't I?" Nik lightly kisses the top of my head showing his tender side with me. He's all cuddly today.

"Where is 'Lijah? And Koly and Finn?" I ask wanting to know why they're not here yet.

"They're coming," Nik reassures me slowly. "They're not in Mystic Falls yet, they have to travel here first."

"They're definitely coming?" I narrow my eyes.

"Yes, it might take a little while though, I've kept them somewhere very safe and I want them to get here safe too."

"As long as you don't break your promise," I say trying to make Nik realise how important this is. "Henrik will do magic if you don't."


A while passes and my siblings still aren't here.

Every night I hear Bekah and Nik arguing about it but when I go downstairs they stop immediately and pretend they haven't been shouting.

So today, I've decided to push forwards with Operation annoy Nik because he's been annoying me by not bringing our family back yet.

It's a Saturday so Bekah isn't in school. I'll have to be quick and do this sneakily while she's asleep. I'll have to listen out for Nik too.

I can't get caught. It's not an option.

I locate Nik downstairs, talking on the phone to his hybrids who are turning more wolves into vampires, carrying on Nik's work in his absence.

Sneaking into his room, I tip all the glitter I was given by Bekah in my art kit into his underwear drawer. The glitter will be itchy and I know it will irritate him, just like he irritates me.

Now he will know what a real pain in the arse is like.

Onto the second part of the plan...

I pretend to walk back to my room but dive into Nikky's favourite room instead. His fancy gallery full of artwork.

I'm not allowed in here so I'd better not get caught.

Quickly I spy his prized paints and stand on a stool to get the box from high up. I wobble because I'm giggling to myself so much but luckily I don't fall.

I take the paints into the bathroom and squeeze all the tubes into the toilet, creating a mishmash of colours.

It looks brown when they all mix together so hopefully no one will notice. It is a toilet. I can blame one of the hybrids and say they had a tummy ache.

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