Chapter 1

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Elena pov:

I crouch in the corner of the poorly lit room, covering my ears with my trembling hands. He continued yelling and throwing anything he could blinded by pure rage. His eyes darkened every time he uttered a word. Each word filled with venom and hatred as he steps closer and closer to my frail and powerless body.

He yanks me up by the hair with a firm grip and shoves me to the other side of the kitchen, causing my ribs to collide roughly with the kitchen counter. I let out a gasp in pain as I collapse onto the floor, the agonising pain shooting up my ribs like electric currents. I lay slack on the floor holding tears back as he hollers more crude words at me, I should be used to it considering i've had to live with this for nearly my whole life but I guess some things you never get used to cause each word he utters feels like a stab to my already shattered heart.

After a few long, excruciating minutes, he let out a fuming scoff and stormed out of the room, not forgetting to grab his 5th bottle of beer from the dining table it was only noon...

He slammed the door shut behind him, leaving me limp on the floor with possibly broken or severely bruised ribs.

I let my tears run down my bloody cheeks uncontrollably as I crawl into a tight ball, l squeezing my eyes shut. A chocked sob leaves my chest as I wail harder and harder. I try to rock myself back and forth to calm myself somehow, but nothing works, I just lay on the filthy rug, hugging myself tightly, trying to escape the reality I have to live.

I felt so damn lonely, I had no one absolutely no one to comfort me or pat me on the back and tell me everything would be okay. Heck, I don't even remember the last time someone hugged me or gave me some basic love or adoration. Why was I even here? What wrong have I done in my life to deserve such cruel treatment? more broken cries leave my chest as more thoughts and questions cloud my head. "I-I'm only s-sixteen" I whisper my voice fills the room as more tears slip down my face. "why why why me ?" more broken sobs leave my chest  "Why not someone else"  my voice cracks as my eyes grew heavier and heavier slowly I lose my fight with consciousness and give into the dark paradise.

Our Baby StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora