The Ribbon That Ties Us (ChangShen)

Start from the beginning

Ricky took another deep breath, hands fidgeting against each other and he looked down. "I-" Ricky was cut off by a loud crash coming from the kitchen. The two jumped and went to hide in the corner, knowing the crash woke half of the world up. With Jay and Ricky huddled up together, footsteps began crashing against the floor. 

After a moment, you could hear someone yell, "Kim Gyuvin! What are you doing?" 

Ricky let out a restrained laugh at hearing Hao's angry mom voice. After Hao yelled at Gyuvin for a good 10 minutes, all of the footsteps went back to their respective rooms. The two still waited for a few more minutes to make sure there was no one else there. Slowly, Ricky inched his way out of the corner, standing up and offering Jay a hand. Jay accepted his hand and stood up, still holding hands. "So, as you were saying before we got so graciously interrupted by Gyuvin waking up all of Korea?" Jay joked, making the blonde let out a soft chuckle and put on his gummy smile. 

After he got done laughing, Ricky spoke again. "I technically have two things to tell you. But, I don't know which one to say first..." 

Jay picked Ricky's head up, a finger under his chin, and spoke so softly, "Just say whatever your heart feels. You're safe with me, Ricat. I'll always fight for you, no matter what."

Ricky smiled as Jay caressed his cheek. He didn't want this moment to end. So, he went with the "safer" option out of the two. "I have pretty bad anxiety. It's like a wave in the ocean. It builds up, crashes against the other waves, but eventually goes flat until the next wave comes. I felt like this was important for you to know...."

Jay smiled, his heart pounding out of his chest. "Thank you for telling me. And I'll make sure to always be mindful around you, just like I'd do with anyone else." 

Ricky took this moment, saving it in his mental memories label "Moments Before Disaster." The Chinese looked down, thought for a moment, picked his head up and said (with fake confidence), "I really like you, Jay. I was just afraid you didn't swing that way, or maybe you didn't like me. But I needed to get this off my mind. I'm sorry if I just ruined our friendship. I know you probably don't like me back so I probably should stop wasting your time and go-"

Ricky barely got a moment before being pulled into a hug by the older. With the tanned hand petting his blonde hair softly, Ricky let out a few tears. Tears of what? He asked himself. Tears of sadness for our friendship? Tears of happiness for not being immediately rejected? Tears of hope that he likes me back? Jay pulled away from the hug and put his hands on the taller's face. "Ricky, thank you for telling me. I mean, I don't think I could've told you first."

Ricky looked puzzled at this. Jay sighed and made it more clear, "I like you too, Ricky. And, if you don't mind, would you be my boyfriend?" Jay had a hopeful look on his face mixed with shy blush upon his cheeks. Ricky smiled and nodded profusely, putting his arms around Jay's hips. 

So, with the two secretly dating, Jay was obviously very attentive. Especially when he saw Ricky's mood or actions change. Just like when they were getting ready to perform. All of the boys were nervous, going over lines in their heads and doing last minute choreography checks. As Jay felt confidence rising through his body, he looked over at Ricky. He had a stoic face on, but one of the clear anxiety ticks was his abnormal blinking pattern. 

He'd blink in all different ways. Evenly spaced, oddly spaced, sometimes it even looked like a jazzy swing tune. But, nonetheless, he was stressed out. With Hao on his left trying to rub his shoulder to calm him down, Jay came over to his right. He knew how to calm Ricky down, although the staff might not like it. Jay puts his hand on Ricky's shoulder first to get him used to the presence, then slowly makes his way up to the back of his neck. 

With some soft neck rubs and weird looks from Hao, Ricky finally calms down enough to regain some control of his senses. The first thing the younger does is look over at Jay, who's smiling at him. Ricky smiles back and turns to Hao, who's not smiling at him. Hao's looking at him with a confused look on his face. "We'll talk later," Hao whispers to Ricky (and Jay who's also nearby). Ricky nods and they get the cue to go on stage. 

The group is standing, waiting for the music cue. Ricky feels some knots form in his stomach, but remembers Jay's cold, relaxing touch on the back of his neck and calms down. 

The performance went smoothly. So smoothly, in fact, that Ricky felt proud of himself. For the first time Ricky felt true confidence while in this show. All because of Jay. 


"You know, Jay, I owe it all to you." Ricky says, sitting on their apartment couch. His head is in Jay's lap and the older's hand is stroking his hair. 

Jay smirks and says, "Oh, yeah?" 

The younger chuckles. "Yeah. I wouldn't have made it if I didn't tell you that day in the laundry room. And if you hadn't helped me before Over Me."

Jay smiled at the cat-like boy. "Well, if you want to thank me, I accept cash, credit, debit, or kisses." 

The younger laughed at the older's actions and smiled. He sat up a bit and placed his lips upon the American boy's. It was a short kiss, but enough for both of them. Ricky lay back down on Jay's lap, lazily gazing at whatever was on the screen before dozing off. 

And with the two of them asleep on the couch, and Zb1 wondering where the hell Ricky went for the day off, all was well. 

*Btw I couldn't think of a good name to fit the ship so I just went with their surnames. Sue me.*

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