chapter 1

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Henry POV

It was a cloudy friday evening and time for dinner at the school "Hillerska". Henry, a 16 year old boy with red hair walked down the hallway to his best friend's room. Walter was Henry's best friend since years. They kinda grew up together and they always did everything together.
Henry knocked at Walter's door.

"Hey, are you coming? It's time for dinner." He said.
Walter opened the door.
"Come in, I have to get a hoodie first, it's kinda cold."

Henry walked in and lay down on Walter's bed. He took out his phone and checked his socials while Walter put on a hoodie and fixed his hair.

"Hurry up or we're gonna be late for dinner!" Henry said and throw a pillow at him.
"Haha, can't you just wait for a second?" Walter replied with a smile.

Today after dinner was a horror movie night for all Hillerska students and of course Henry and Walter decided to go. Well, actually it took Henry a while to convince Walter to join because Walter is actually not a horror person.
Now many students sat together in a room to watch the movie "In the tall grass". Henry and Walter sat down in the back of the room behind Wilhelm and Simon.

Somehow it was very important to Henry that Walter joined him for the movie night today. He was like: 'What is a movie night without Walter?'
The thought of his best friend made him turn his head to Walter and watch his reaction to the movie.
He was quietly leaning against the wall and his brown eyes seemed to be very focused on the movie.
Henry loved admiring Walter. He was so incredibly thankful to have someone like him as his best friend.

Then of course some 3rd graders had to ruin this moment. But they were already used to that. Henry disliked like everone of the 3rd graders but especially Vincent. Vincent used to bully him sometimes.

Walter POV

Surprisingly Walter really enjoyed the movie. He didn't really know how Henry could convince him to join the movie night with him but he somehow did. Henry always had something special in Walter's eyes. He was more then just a best friend to him. Henry was...everything.
So it's actually not that surprising that Henry made it to convince Walter to go to the movie night because Walter would do anything for him.

Suddenly, Wilhelm who was sitting infront of him stood up and left the room. Not 2 minutes after that Simon stood up too and followed Wilhelm.
Walter was confused at first but whatever.
It made him turn his head left to check on Henry and caught him looking at Walter too.
Walter noticed the 1-2 meters gab between them, smiled and pointed at the free place next to him.
Henry didn't hesitade and slid over to him.

"Where did Wilhelm and Simon go?" Walter whispered.
"I don't know." Henry replied, "do you wanna go to?" He asked.
"No, it's fine." Walter said with a soft laugh. "Thank you for taking me here."
Henry smiled at him and leaned his head back against the wall.

Walter's heart felt warm. Seeing Henry happy filled him with joy. He has always liked him in a very special way. But since Walter found out he likes boys at the age of 14 it changed even more. He was questioning himself for a long time if his relationship to Henry is really just friendship or if it could be more. At least these feelings he gets when he is around Henry are actually not feelings you have when you are with a good friend.
And now he has been secretly crushing on Henry for almost 2 years. But Walter was not sure how or if he would ever tell him about it.

At this moment he got distracted from his thoughts by a feeling that felt like a small electric shock but in a positive kind of way. Then Walter noticed his and Henry's knees were slightly touching. Henry had knee leaned against Walter's. But did that even mean anything? Walter had accepted himself as gay, he never told anyone about it, not even Henry but he was never sure if Henry might feel the same way. In his eyes he seemed like he only sees them as best friends so that slight touch probably meant nothing.

Again Walter caught himself staring at Henry. That happend a lot of times but apparently Henry never really noticed.
Walter was so in love with this boy...

Authors Note

I just wanna say sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language so please be respectful about that haha

I also wanna say something about the spelling of "Walter". In season 1 and 2 of young royals it's spelled with a W but somehow they changed it into "Valter" with V in the last season. I personally prefer
"Valter" because it looks more fancy haha but I'm using "Walter" here because most people do and their ship name Walty is also spelled with a W

Btw this story is inspired of some headcanons I saw on Tiktok. I also did some research about Henry's and Walter's backstory to make this story more realistic but unfortunately I couldn't find much. If you have any ideas for the story please let me know in the comments!

And don't forget to vote this story if you liked it! <3

words: 923

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